chapter 20: INFURIATING

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The morning sun is spilling through the curtains when I finally wake up. I feel a warmth around my waist as I notice the vice-like grip surrounding me. I snuggle further into Luca's bicep when I realise that Olly told me I have to be back pretty much first thing in the morning. I look at my phone to see that it reads 8.00AM. So it is first thing in the morning then?

I turn over to face Luca. He has such an angelic face when he sleeps. Like he has never even hurt a fly. His arm is still wrapped around me and I lift one of the hairs off his forehead and I gaze at his handsome face. 

His soft, dirty blonde hair is in a messy, bed-head fashion; his dark roots prominent in the shaved sides. His lips are slightly parted, a light, bubblegum pink. There are a few creases in his forehead which make him look stern, but in a cute way. His eyelashes a very thick and dark which frame his olive green eyes so well. 

He slowly starts to open his eyes and I shut mine so he doesn't know that I've been staring at him for about ten minutes. I feel the bed jolt as he stretches his tall limbs. I open my eyes, pretending to have just woken up.

"Good morning, baby." He yawns as straightens his pillow.

"Morning." I yawn back and shut my eyes again. 

Just as I am about to go back to sleep, a soft kiss is planted on my neck. My eyes flutter open as another kiss is planted there. Then another. Soon a trail of kisses is left from the nave of my neck to my collar bone. I start giggling at the tickling sensation.

"Stop, I have to go soon." I laugh.

"Why?" He whines, resting his head in the crook of my neck. 

"Because I have uni work to do and I have to speak to my parents." 

"Fine." He puts on a fake grumpy face before pecking me on the lips. He gets out of the bed and heads over to the bathroom. "I'll drop you off in a bit." He winks. 

After about half an hour, we leave Luca's home and head to his car. He opens the door for me like a complete gentleman before walking to the other side and getting in himself. From what I remember the distance between mine and Luca's places is only about 10 minutes.

"Can I ask you something again?" I say quietly.


"How long were you in prison for?" 

"For which crime?" He chuckles. 

"Well, all of them I suppose."

"When I was fourteen I was put in a young offenders for drug possession and distribution. I was there for six months, then about six weeks later I reoffended and was kept there for a year. When I left, I managed to stay out of the eyes of the police for three years, however, then I was convicted for armed robbery and I did two and a half years for that. Pretty much as soon as I was released I was done for murder at the age of twenty one. I did five years in prison. I was supposed to have a minimum of twelve years, but I have connections."

I am left speechless at the amount of times he has been in prison.

"So you went from, doing drugs, to dealing drugs, to armed robbery, to murder?" I ask. 

"Those are only the crimes I've been caught doing. I've done a lot worse than steal some cash out of the till and accidentally hit a guy too many times." He downplays his actions.

"Why? What else have you done?" I question. 

"You don't want to know, baby, trust me." He says, sternly. 

"Well I do. I wanna know who I am getting to know." I say, but immediately regret. Wow, Izzy. I thought that you had learnt that you are not your crime and all that. Obviously not. 

"I didn't mean it like that." I start.

"I know what you meant." Luca growls. 

"You can't blame me for being slightly anxious about what I'm letting myself in for. It's not like your criminal past is behind you because you're still in KM17 and you're still selling drugs."

He starts to laugh loudly."You're so naïve sometimes." 

I brush off his comment. 

"So, why did they set you free?" I ask, further inquiring. 

"Oh my God, will you stop asking fucking questions!" He roars, almost swerving the car off the road. 

I panic and don't say anything for a while. 

"I'm just getting to know you." I mumble as we turn into my road.

"This isn't fucking me! My prison sentence doesn't equate to how valued my morals are! My past crimes don't say fucking anything about my personality! But, of course, you, innocent sweet young girl who has all her life in order; has the perfect house, perfect family, perfect career path doesn't see the difference!"

"You know fuck all about me, so don't act as if you've already got me figured out!" I yell. 

He slams his feet on the brakes so we stop right outside my house. 

"Oh yeah! Tell me what's so fucking bad about your life! Look at mine! Is it that mummy and daddy care so much that they won't let you out passed midnight?" He mocks me. I feel my eyes fill with tears. He knows nothing. 

"Don't talk to me again. Now you're showing your true colours. All that false flattery and hope you were feeding me last night was clearly bullshit. You say I don't know you! Well I am looking directly at the real you, and it makes me sick what I see!" I spit and slam the door behind me.

"Don't walk away from me, Izzy!" He shouts out the window, but I am already long gone. 

I push my front door of my house, probably, waking the entire neighbourhood. Luca King is the degenerate everyone says he is. 

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