Chapter 11 - Not All Rosy

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Anika simply kept silence and only looked at him as he sat on the driver's seat. It was plain, he was annoyed. She took a deep breath. It was wrong for her to have lost track of time. But then he knew that's how she was. When she was into something she lost track of time. 

"Where are we going?" She asked instead of questioning him on the weather in his mind. 

"Wherever you want to!" He said turning the car on to the right main road. 

"You are upset?"  She asked carefully.

"No. " he said not even sparing her a glance. Suddenly, the idea of a date seemed very wrong. 

"What's the issue with you? Can you not..."

"Anika, please. I don't want an argument. "

She stared at him. Why was it so hard to live with him? Ugh! 

"Fine." She looked away.

"Where?" He asked after a brief pause.

"I want to go home! Will you take us there?" She asked tauntingly, folding her arms. She tried talking like normal humans, he showed attitude. So hell to being normal with him. She would serve him with her own dose. 

"As you wish!" He said turning the car on to the route home. 

She blinked dumbfounded. She did not mean it. He knew that. If this is his behavior then let it be. She wasn't going to fix things every time. 

The entire drive was silent. Shivaay tried hard to come up with something to lighten the mood but he just couldn't. The fact that everything other than him was suddenly very important to her just did not settle in him. Her behavior only worsened his frustration. Couldn't she see he was hurt? 

Once he pulled the car before the mansion she simply said a curt thank you and got off walking away. He stared at her, his mouth tightly closed in anger. He drove off again. He just needed some alone time to get his thoughts straight. Things wouldn't work between them if both of them continued with this attitude. Perhaps he should work on bettering himself. But, where was he at fault today? All he said was he wanted no argument between them. He hit the driver's wheel. She wouldn't change. But then there the entire problem was. He won't let her go, but holding on wasn't easy. 

* * * 

She turned back only when she heard the car drive away. She stood their staring away till the car disappeared from her sight and more. Was it so hard for him to keep things going easy between them for a day? The day had begun on such a happy note, the entire day went so amazing but then this. Was sex all he wanted from her? NO. Then what was it that even after being so necessary to each other, being so close to each other they found ways to be repelled? 

Alright. She should have been a little easy on him. The fault was more hers. But one day and she gets that cross look? He had been late a thousand times, he had forgotten things about them so many times yet she not once behaved in a manner like he did. She was done with this air of importance and seeking attention he carried around him. His ego was the vamp in their story. Until he found a way to leave that ego, that pride, that sense of being important at least when he was with her, things wouldn't work out. He had to work on his issues. She wasn't going to do it for him. She won't be the one to fix this time. It was his chance to do it. 

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