Chapter 25

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Light's POV

So I made a plan. First I will go to the store to buy a ring for Yukana; next, I'll pick her up from her house at around sunset, then we will go for a small walk on the beach, and last I will bend down on one knee and ask her for her hand in marriage. The plan is going to go well.

So I went to the jewelry store and looked around for the perfect ring. I found a large diamond and pearl ;) ring that would look perfect on her hand. At around 6:00, I went to her house to pick her up. She opened the door, saw me, and smiled. "Wanna go to the beach for a walk?" I asked her. She nodded and took my hand. I took her to the beach and we were both staring at the sunset as we walked. The water swished around our feet. The cool wind flowed through our hair. I looked at Yukana as her hair was waving in the wind. It was beautiful and magical.  It was true, she was gifted by god. I stopped walking and looked at her. 

"Light? Why did we stop walking?" she asked me. Its now or never. I bend down on knee, taking her hand into mine. "Yukana Akiyama, when we first met we didn't get along that well. But when I got to know you more, I figured you were some sort of angel gifted by mother nature. You're not like other girls who fangirl and try flirting with me. Instead you can unlock my heart without ever looking for the key. So Yukana," I pull the small box out of my pocket and opened it showing the diamond ring I bought for her. "Will you marry me?" I said. 

She was shocked, but ecstatic at the same time. Tears formed in her eyes and she tried forcing herself not to cry but it was no use. "Yes Light, I will marry you. I love you." she said as the tears fell from her cheek. I got up and slid the ring on her finger. I wiped away the tears in her eyes with my finger and we both kissed. 

Soon she will officially be known as Yukana Yagami.

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