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Jessica's p.o.v
I'm sitting at the table doing homework, when the kitchen phone rings. I watch as my hurriedly answers the phone, when I realize who she's talking to, I immediately go back to my homework. My mom hangs up the phone right as I put my homework away. I stand up getting ready to go to my room, but I'm stopped. "Jess sit down" She says and I sigh sitting back down. "Your sisters coming for Christmas" She says and my eyes widen "No" I say staring up at her, she just ignores me. "And she's bringing a guest. So I want you to be on your best behavior" I go to say something, but she gives me that look and I just nod. As I go to my room, I start to wonder who this special guest is.
Emily's POV
I watch as JJ hangs up the phone "So?" I ask and she smiles over at me "We're going to Pennsylvania for Christmas! I don't know how long we'll be there for since you know serial killers don't care if we're on vacation, but I can't wait for you to meet my parents!" She exclaims excitedly, but then her face kinda falls "And my little sister Jessica" I give her a confused look "You have a younger sister? That I'm just now hearing about?" I ask and she nods "We don't exactly get along that well, um, I was fourteen, almost fifteen when she was born, so you know" She says and I nod in understanding "I personally would love to have a relationship with her, since she's the only sister I have left, but she wants nothing to do with me." She says and I open my arms letting her curl up next to me as she continues talking. I listen to her every word not saying anything, just letting her rant.

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