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I wake up to Emily shaking me gently "Cmon J, we're gonna be late!" She says and I bolt up right "What time is it?" I ask as I rub the sleep out of my arms "Almost 9" She says and I quickly stand up "Here" She says handing me an outfit "Thank youuu" I say giving her a quick kiss before I head into the bathroom. I change before I take my hair down from it's messy bun. I brush my hair out before I put it back up in a tight ponytail. I exit the bathroom to see Emily and Spencer arguing over something stupid. I shake my head as I roll my eyes "You two I swear" I say catching their attention. "Jayje!" Emily exclaims running over to me and grabbing my hand "Yes?" I ask looking between the two profilers "Who's your favorite person in the entire world?" Spencer asks "Emily" I say without hesitation. I chuckle as Emily cheers and Spencer groans. "To be fair I'm also in love with her" I say and Emily kisses my cheek before sticking her tongue out at Spencer. "Anyway let's go before we become someone's least favorite people" I say as I grab my car keys and the key card for the hotel. They nod before following me. I smile as they goof around on either side of me, these are my best friends, and I couldn't ask for anyone better to be them.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 01, 2019 ⏰

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