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Two days later
Jessica's POV
It's the day before Christmas Eve, which means JJ and her special guest will be here today. I'm still curious on who she's bringing. Maybe she finally got a boyfriend. I lay back on my bed, dreadfully waiting for my mom to call me downstairs for the arrival of my oh so fabulous sister, and her special guest. I close my eyes, letting my mind wander. I start to think about what her boyfriend looks like. I hope he's nice or at least nice to a point. Before I know it, I've drifted off to sleep.
Emily's POV
"How is it that you've met my parents literally hundreds of times, but I've never met your family once?" I ask looking over at JJ who's focused on the road "Well for starters your parents live a lot closer than mine do, and secondly I haven't even seen my parents or sister in I don't even know how long" She says "Fair enough" I say and we settle into a comfortable silence. "JJ, what if they don't like me?" I ask after about ten minutes, she smiles softly. "Em, they're going to love you." She says and I sigh "Promise?" I ask quietly "I promise" She says and I nod settling back in my seat. I close my eyes, letting myself fall asleep.

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