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I look up at Emily who's eyes are closed, but I can tell that she's not asleep. "Whatcha thinking about?" I ask quietly and a small smile lines her lips "Do you think your parents would be okay with having another guest?" She asks and I raise an eyebrow "Spencer?" I ask and she nods "I'm sure they won't mind" I say and she smiles happily, which makes me happy because she's happy. I feel her pull me closer and I close my eyes as I lay my head back on her chest. Right as I'm about to fall asleep, there's a knock on the door. I slowly sit up, being careful not to wake up Emily. I walk over to the door, being careful not to trip over anything in the darkness. I look through the peephole of the hotel door. I open the door. "Spence?" I ask as I step out into the hallway, I make sure not to shut the door all the way. "Spence what are you doing here? And why are you knocking on our hotel door at two in the morning?" I ask as I rub my eyes "Well I was already here and you weren't answering your phone and this is reallyyy important" He rambles and I nod as at this point I'm used to it "What happened?" I ask looking up at him "Alex got into an accident" He says and my eyes widen "Oh my god! Is she okay?!" I ask a million thoughts running through my head "She's fine, she has a broken leg and she has some bruised ribs" He says and I sigh in relief "But you can't tell Emily yet" He says and I give him a confused look "Alex's instructions. I'm just the messenger" He says and I nod, deciding not to question it "I need to get back before she wakes up and comes looking for me. Night Spence" I say starting to go back into our room "Night Jayje" He says before going to his own room. I quickly put my hair up in a messy bun before crawling back in next to Emily. I close my eyes falling asleep quite quickly.
Hi I got bored sooooooo

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