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Jessica's POV
My mom gets up and goes to answer the door. I stay in my spot, looking down at my lap. I hear the front door close and there's a pause before I hear three sets of footsteps coming towards the living room. I feel my nerves taking over, not only because I haven't seen my sister in almost three years, but also because I hate meeting new people. Apparently I zoned out because the next thing I know my should is being poked, and not gently either. I look up to see it's JJ. "What was that for?!" I ask as I rub my shoulder "You weren't responding, I've been trying to get your attention for like three minutes" She says and I roll my eyes. "Well you didn't have to poke me so hard!" And now it's her turn to roll her eyes, "Theres someone I want you to meet" She says and I just stare up at her, she turns and motions for someone to come over to us. I finally look at JJ's special guest and I'm surprised to find out that it's a woman. "Jessica, this is Emily, Emily this is Jessica" JJ says and Emily gives me a soft smile, but doesn't say anything. I just stare at her, not having anything to say. Thankfully at that moment Emily's phone rings, she pulls it out of her pocket, me following her every motion. "I gotta take this, it's my mom" She says and JJ's face lights up "Tell her I say hi!" JJ says and Emily nods before walking away. Once Emily's gone JJ gives me a look. "You couldn't have at least smiled?" She asks and I give her a look in return "No because I don't know her" I say "She doesn't know you either, yet she's been excited to meet you since I told her we were coming. Please Jess try to get to know her, she's an amazing person" JJ says and I sigh "Fine but not because you want me to it's because I want to" I say and she smiles "Thank you!" She exclaims and I sigh again. Now I have to give this lady a chance.

JJ's little sisterWhere stories live. Discover now