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Jessica's POV
I'm awoken by a knock on my door "Jess! Get ready and come downstairs, they'll be here any minute!" I rub the sleep out of my eyes, but don't respond knowing my moms already walked away by now. I get up and change out of my sweats into leggings and a sweater. I then make my way downstairs. I sit down on the couch, groaning when I realized I left my phone plugged in upstairs, but it's too late to go get it now. I look over to see my mom and dad are sat having an almost silent conversation, I start to get anxious as I haven't seen my older sister in such a long time, and we don't exactly get along well. I mean I know she'll be there for me if I need her, but I also know that I won't need her. I'm snapped out of my thoughts when there's a knock on the front door, welp here goes nothing.
Oof sorry it's so short.

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