Chapter Five: Of How To Hide

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Chapter Five: Of How To Hide

"Astrid!" Ruff hissed at me. "Come here!"

Sighing, I rolled my eyes and ran there. We were hiding from Thorvaldr so he can't see me. If he does...Odin help us. We've been doing this for the past week: me constantly hiding in strange places so he can't see me. GODS, it was frustrating! Having to stop what you were doing and run away. I mean, why can't I just take him down?

"Why can't we just fly away?" Tuff asked, flapping his hands like a bird.

"Then he'll see us!" persuaded Heather as we all crouched down. Avina was taking peeks to see if he's still there.

"Guys, I gotta ask you something," I said.

"Not now," Ruff said, waving her hand at me to dismiss at what I was going to say.


"Shhh!" Ruff interrupted.

I groaned. Why can't they just listen to me?! I mean, I know it's important that Thorvaldr won't see me but this is more important. Rolling my eyes, I gave a frustration sigh. I stood up, walked the other direction where Thorvaldr was and just went deeper in the woods.

I can hear Ruff hissing at me to go back to her but I gave no attention as I ran. I went deeper and deeper as I bumped into something. I gave a simple groan as I bumped into it and looked up. It was Stormfly. Smiling, I still walked deeper in the woods and I can tell Stormfly's following me. I dropped my head down and sat down. They just don't get it.


I ignored it. If it's Ruff or the girls, I would literally pounce on them.


I ignored it once again. But this voice was a bit similar to Hiccup's. But...he isn't here.


Giving up, I looked up to find a woman with what seemed red hair and light green eyes like Hiccup's. The woman was the one who left Hiccup (well more likely was dragged off from Hiccup and her family) but was reunited with her family back then. It was Valka.

"Astrid," Valka, once again, repeated. "You okay?" She then took a seat next to me as I saw Stormfly and Cloudjumper playing off.

"I guess," I answered quietly.

"What's wrong?" she asked. I can tell she's curious.

"Nothing," I simply answered. But I can tell Valka can see through me and was now seeking for the truth. "It's just...this is too hard! I have to hide from Thorvaldr just because he will poison me or anything! And better yet, the concious of where's Hiccup is eating me!"

"Astrid," Valka said in a tone that seemed to calm me down. "Stoick has been banning him the moment you came back but that boy is reckless and won't even take orders at the cheif! And with Hiccup. Dear, we've sent out search parties everywhere! I just hope he's alright."

She stroked my back and my arm that made me a bit drowsy and calm down properly. I'm gald Valka's here and I can tell she's missing her son just like I am too. But I miss him much more than her.

Valka left a few moments after we talked and hopped on Cloudjumper. The four winged dragon flew off, leaving Stormlfy and I alone. I walked up to her and mounted her.

"How about we go somewhere we can have an alone time, girl? You and me?" I asked. She squawked and I'm guessing that's a 'yes'. She then flew off.

I then felt the air whoosing at my face. I miss this: the wind on your face, feeling free and your feet off the ground like you're flying. And I miss my bestfriend too. It was peaceful up here and my thoughts suddenly came back to me. Where is that boy?

"Astrid!" My thoughts were broked as I heard someone yell my name. Turning my head around, I regretted that I did.

"Fishlegs! What are you doing here? And with the others?!" I exclaimed at the wind. It was getting rougher.

"What did you think?!" Fishlegs exclaimed too. "We're here to get you back on Berk!"

"Just leave me alone!" I shouted at them, the rough wind now rushing through us. Just then, I was taken down from Stormfly's saddle and was now falling down.

"Astrid!" I heard everyone yell at me.

But I did nothing as I plummeted down, my arms flailing at the air. Stormfly tried to grab me but I was too fast at falling down. The air wasn't peaceful this time and it was now hurting me. It was the one who pushed me away from Stormfly's saddle and now, here I am, going to die. I closed my eyes, took one final breath as I fell down and hit something rough. I fell into darkness.



Sorry guys if I've been MIW (Missing in Wattpad) for like AGES!! Hope you guys can forgive me!

I was supposed to update about 2 weeks ago but school kept on coming at my schedules and when I did have time, the wifi crashed! TALK ABOUT TIMING!! So it took like, 4 days to fix it and I couldn't write the chapters. And when I did have wifi, school kept on coming again and the only thing I can do was check out the updates and stuff.

I really am sorry. You must think I was dead because it took me SOO long to update.

Anyway, special update because it's my birthday! Hooray? September 6. I'm just saying the date just in case of the time zones we have and you're still at September 5. And the girls and I are going to watch HTTYD 2....AGAIN!!! XD

So, if you haven't given up at this book, thank you for sticking by me!

So...looks like Astrid is dead? Right? Or nah?

Anyway, hope you like it!

Peace out!

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