c h a p t e r - s e v e n

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Maddie's P.O.V.

How could the time go by so fast? It's just like a clap of a thunder and now here we are standing at the airport, waiting for the boys' flight to be called.

I'm wrapped in Michael's arms so tight, making me want the time to just stop so we can spend the eternity together. But unfortunately, that's not gonna happen, I'm not a fucking magician.

"Baby" Michael whispered in my ear, his hands  rubbing my back for comfort but it's not really helping.

I just can't be calm when I know the love of my life is gonna leave me for a year. It's just not fair.

"Babe?" Michael whispered once again as I nuzzle my face deeper into his neck, I'm sure the fans are taking pictures and videos of us but it's nothing new.

There's actually one time when me and Michael went out on a date and while we're walking Michael just decided to push me against the wall because he said I look 'so freaking hot in my dress', and we made out for awhile. We didn't know that there are fans around who filmed our whole make out session. And you know what happened after that? We end up being on the news. THE FUCKING NEWS! But I guess it's time now to forget about that since that's basically 2 years ago.

"You know you look cute today" he turned his head just a little to kiss my neck and I smiled lightly, finally lifting my head up from his neck.

"Fuck you" I said and Michael grabbed my face and gave me a short kiss

"You just did last night." He smirk once we  pulled away and I pulled a disgusted face at him and he chuckle

"It's true though" he shrugged, sneaking his arms around my waist to pull me even more closer to him.

I'm gonna miss this.

"When can I visit you?" I ask suddenly

"Actually any time you want." He smiled down at me "But you know your work always gets in the way" he smirk .

"Don't talk like your work isn't getting in the way too" I said a frown taking over my face.

"Mads, I'm only joking. You know that" he said kissing my forehead.

"I don't know. I just thought you're saying the 'me' being a gorgeous and hot photographer is getting in the way" I said and Michael snapped his head at me, with narrowed eyebrows

"What?" I smirk

"You're a terrible photographer." He shook his head at me .

"I'm not!" I hit his chest and he chuckle pecking my lips again.

"I'm just kidding. You're the best photographer in the world" he said before kissing me once more.

As we're kissing, we heard their flight being called and our fun conversations awhile ago just faded into nothing but sadness.

Michael pressed his lips harder on mine and I can't help the tear that slipped from my eye.

"I'm gonna miss you so much" I cried once we pulled away.

"I'm gonna miss you too" Just then I notice that he's basically crying too, but he wipes them quickly that it's basically unnoticeable.

We got up from our seat and I walk over to the boys who's definitely not happy to be leaving. I hug Luke first "be a good boy Lucas. And find a girl so you won't always be the third wheel" I laugh quietly making him do the same and replied "sure" . Next, I move on to Calum who's frowning "Why the frown Cal-pal?" I chuckle before giving him a tight short hug "Lucy couldn't come today" he said and I hug him once again "It's okay cal. I'm sure she tried her best to come." I rubbed his back. Then I walk over to Ashton "Hey little Maddie" he laughs ruffling my hair and I glare at him jokingly "I'm not little" "You're 5'3" he stated and I shove him "You're not getting a hug" I said turning around and go to Michael as I left Ashton to where he's standing, giggling.

As a final goodbye, Michael bring me again to a bone crashing hug. "Just don't forget that I love you alright?" He said and I nodded "I love you too" before I knew it the tears are coming back again, but it fight them this time . I don't want to be sad the whole time they're gone.

We finally broke the hug and they had to go so Michael kissed me once again and smiled once we pulled away "You're still the one I'm gonna come home to"

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