c h a p t e r - t e n

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Michael's P.O.V.

"Dude. Just do it. Do you know that you're hurting her more by ignoring her?" Ashton told me and I frown.

"I just can't forgive myself for saying those words to her." I run my hands through my hair and Ashton sighed.

"I know she will understand you mate. You're both so in love with each other" he said.

"Do you think she will?" I ask and he nodded instantly.

I finally pressed the call button that I have been dreading on clicking for the past few weeks. Nervousness running through my veins . What if she hates me now? What if she doesn't want to talk to me? What if I really did hurt her? The list of what if's got cut off when I heard her voice.

"Hello?" She said, there's something off about the way she said it but just like what I said before, her voice has magic that I literally forgot about all of the stress and all of the things that's been happening.

"Babe?" I quietly said, afraid that she might shout at her for not calling for a month.

I know.  I'm an asshole for doing that.

"Michael." She replied, her voice is tired and there's just something that is off.

"Uhm... how are you?"

What the fuck? Why does it feel like we're strangers? It's not suppose to be like this.

"What do you think? My boyfriend haven't called for a month. Do you think I'm okay?" She said her voice becoming loud and I bite my lip.

Why did I even ask that question? I'm such a fuck up.

"I'm sorry" Is all I manage to say.

"You know what? I'm just gonna sleep. Goodnight" she hung up and I put my phone down on the table, as Ashton stares at me expectantly.

I put my face in my hands realizing that I really fucked up.

She hates me.

She fucking hates me.

She's supposed to be happy, yet now I know that she's crying.

I should never make her cry.

I should make her happy.

But I fucked up big time.

Now, how the hell am I even going to win her back?

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 23, 2019 ⏰

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