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Days had passed and the Slytherins had avoided going to the three broomsticks on the basis that classes at Hogwarts had officially started again and they half knew they needed to keep themselves on track (and also try and put an end to their habit of drinking an ungodly amount of alcohol).

Madison sat next to Harry Potter in the library, laughing as he spoke, her eyes fixated on their shared Herbology project. Books flew over their heads, putting themselves back onto the shelves they belonged on as the hours passed by and the two done more talking than they did work.

"Quiddich starts again soon" Madison sighs happily, her eyes meeting Harry's as he smiled kindly at her, his glasses had slightly fallen down his nose but he didn't care to push them back into place as he admired her beauty, she radiated a sweetness that no other member of the Slytherin house ever could "Are you excited?".

"Very" the boy beamed, focusing on the way Madison's finger twisted into her own hair, playing with it mindlessly as she found herself lost in the conversation "Did you make Slytherins team again this year?" Harry asked remembering how talented Madison is at the game, she'd been one of his biggest rivals on the pitch, because she gave the Gryffindor team a run for their money.

"Yeah, try outs were last week-"

"Clearwater" a voice interrupted, causing Madison and Harry to spin around to see where the voice had come from. Malfoy stood in all his glory, arms folded across his chest and his posture held with purpose, he held himself so well for someone who was mere seconds from falling apart. "Fratinizing with the enemy are we?" he said in a smug tone, one of his eyebrows raised as he took a stern step forward, his shadow covering Madison completely.

"We have no enemies anymore-"

"Even when we did have enemies, you were on the wrong side of things Madison" Malfoy snarled looking the girl up and down, watching the way her body slumped "enemy free and living the Slytherin princess dream, not that's much Slytherin in you".

Harry left out a half arsed laugh from where he sat beside her, drawing all the attention to him as he said "Actually Malfoy, I think you'll find that it was you who was on the wrong side of things", standing from his chair Harry wasn't as tall as Malfoy was, but he was broader and Madison hoped to god he was physically stronger, just in case. "Or the losing side, should I say?"

"Is this what you've become clearwater? A silly little fan girl of the chosen one?" Malfoy tormented, Madison's fist clenched by her side at his words; she knew that she was no such thing but hearing Malfoy even ask such a ridiculous question made her blood boil. "I'm sure mummy and daddy would be so proud of you" He added through gritted teeth "Seems almost as if you shamed them once and then decided to use it as the running theme in all of your decision making for that point forwards"

Madison stood from her seat, her hands pushing harshly against Malfoy's chest, knocking him back ever so slightly "Shamed them?" she seethed "Fucking shamed them?", she pushed him again and again "How dare you Malfoy, just because I wasn't willing to become a rotten death eater like you" she spat, watching his face turn into a hard frown "and I'm so fucking glad I didn't" her tongue clicked again the roof of her mouth, hair finger innocently playing with her hair as she added "because look at where it got you".

"Madison I think we-" Harry tried to step between the two of them, all of the students in the library was focusing on the two Slytherins as they pulled each other apart with their words.

"Fuck you Madison" Malfoy breathed pushing potter aside, taking a step towards her, so close that his harsh breaths moved the hair that dangled in front of her face "In case you're forgetting, your best friends are also 'rotten death eaters', how would they feel if they heard you call them that?"

"They were forced into Malfoy, they felt like they had no choice, raised in a situation they couldn't run from" Madison sneered, her eyes watered as she spoke up for her friends, her sweet, loving friends; who despite what everyone else thought had the most loving hearts and the kindest souls. "I thought you were the same, I defended your name time and time again because I didn't think you were vile" the taken back look on Malfoy's face is enough put that famous smirk right back on Madison's, straightening her back as she takes a step towards Draco, lifting herself on to her tip toes as she whispered in his ear, "but for the first time, in a long time, I was wrong" the smell of mint and a fruity perfume took over his senses as she moved even closed "you're the most vile one of them all"

And just like that she had grabbed her bag, throwing it over her shoulder, telling Harry that she'd "see him at the same time tomorrow", her shoulder barging into Malfoy's as she calmly walked back to the Slytherin common rooms, leaving Draco struggling to control his angry breathing as he made his way to astronomy tower, his fists clenched so hard by his sides that his hand had began to cramp and his thoughts so loud that he couldn't concentrate on just one. The only thing he was sure of right now was that he was going to make Madison Clearwater pay for this, he just had to figure out how.

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