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It was the sound of a glass shattering downstairs that startled Madison awake, as if sleeping wasn't hard enough for her these days any noise or distraction made it almost impossible for her to rest.

"FUCK" she heard a voice shout, too sleepy to recognise who's voice it was, her curious mind decided to investigate.

The floorboards were cold on her bare feet, her messy hair cascaded down her back as she walked through the dark corridors, the only light coming from the end of her wand.

Once she reached the top of the staircase, looking out at the common room her eyes went wide at the sight she saw below her.

It was Malfoy, sat alone on couch there was a smashed bottle of whisky on the floor in front of him, broken glass laying in the liquid. He was facing away from her, his head in his hand and his elbows resting on his knee's as he looked down onto the mess he had made, in the same way that she was looking down on him. In disgust.

She carried herself down the stairs so gracefully that anyone would've sworn she was floating, being silent and passing without causing any bother was always something she was good at, she had mastered the art of sneaking up on people; even those who were very wary of their surroundings. maybe even those who might've been expecting her.

"Well aren't you a sight for sore eyes" the girl mocks as she approaches the leather sofa Malfoy was seated on, he didn't turn to look at her, she didn't think that he would. However she hadn't failed to miss the way his shoulders jumped in surprise. "Oh how the mighty have fallen" she almost laughs, taking a seat on the arm chair to the left of him.

"I haven't got the patience for you tonight Clearwater" his voice was stern and came out strong considering the state he seemed to be in, he didn't move his head from where it rested on his hands and his eyes were still fixated on the ground, refusing to look anywhere else. The light from the fire place flickered against his pale skin, he looked almost vulnerable. But Madison was stupid enough to think that he would ever actually be vulnerable. 

Madison laughed at this comment, a very genuine laugh as well. She leaned back in the arm chair, lifting her legs up and leaving them to dangle of the edge of the arm, her foot touching the arm on Malfoy's sofa as she leaned her head back and said "You never have the patience for me Malfoy, what difference does tonight make?".

Malfoy's anger seethed at this. Why must she always feel the need to get on his very last fucking nerve. He used to be able to get along with it, tolerate it almost; after all they had been in the same friendship group since their first year at Hogwarts, but now, even after all these years of them never getting along, after all these years of them winding each other up, all the arguments, all of the duels and fights, well now he didn't think he could cope with it. He knew he was very close to snapping at her, and he knew that if he did there was no going back.

"A penny for your thoughts?" Madison's voice broke his thoughts, causing him to look at her for the first time that night. No matter how much he hated her he could never deny that she was on of the prettiest things he ever did see. What a filthy, shameful thought.

"A fucking penny?" Malfoy snarled, his eyes narrowing at the girl before him as she giggled effortlessly, lifting her head from the arm of the chair to meet her eyes with his.

"It's a muggle saying, Malfoy" she spoke, her legs falling from where they dangled on the sofa, firmly placing themselves on the floor as she stood before Malfoy now, her bare feet soaking in the spilt alcohol but not quite touching any of the broken glass.

With a wave of her wand a Muggle's one pence piece fell into the palm of her hand, bending down to be level with Draco she held it out towards him, a smirk on her face as she spoke "If I give you this" taking his hand slowly, resisting as he tried to pull it back she placed it into his hand, closing his fist around it "you have to tell me what's going on in that crazy little head of yours"

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