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Day turned into night and despite the hours passing by Madison was still flustered from her exchange with Malfoy. She'd returned to her room, casting a silencing charm on the curtains aroma her bed before she let out a scream of frustration.

She was annoyed by how much she enjoyed the feeling of his large hand wrapped in her hair, yanking it back painfully. But that was so wrong. She wasn't supposed to like it, because she knew he was trying to hurt her.

Her agitation continued as she got herself ready to go to the three broomsticks, the sound of Pansy's voice was drowned out by her thoughts despite her best efforts to concentrate.

"There they are" Theo's voice echoed around the common room as Madison and Pansy walked down the stairs to meet them "as beautiful as you both look, I was just beginning to think you wouldn't make it"

Madison laughed as her eyes looked to Blaise, who stood next to Theo. Draco wasn't here.

"well you must be in luck the" she spoke, her tongue clicking against the roof of her mouth as she began to walk past them and to the exit of the common room.

The butter beer was cold on Madison's tongue, the group was indulged in conversation. Laugher echoed around their usual booth table in the corner and the feeling in the air reminded Madison that she was very lucky to have her friends back with her; free from Azkaban and back at Hogwarts, where they all belonged.

Theo's head fell onto Madison's shoulder, his words sloppy in his drunken state as he threw his arm over her waist muttering "you're the bestest friend I've ever had".

Madison giggled at this. "besets isn't a word Theo" she slurred, her fingers drawing circles on his arm as she did "but you're my besets friend too-"

"Don't go getting sappy on us already you pair" Blaise joked across the table, pansy laughing after he spoke "we're only what? four drinks?"

"Only four!" Madison gasped in fake shocked, her hands covering her mouth to stop a giggle slipping past as Blaise held up his middle finger to her, "I'd better go and grab us all another than"

"Oh you're talking dirty to me Mads" Blaise joked as Madison got up and made her way to the bar.

A smile lingered on her face as she slowly walked towards the bar at the other side of the room, her cheeks were hot from the alcohol she had consumed and the happiness she felt in the pit of her stomach was completely irreplaceable.

"Madison" Harry's voice broke her from her thoughts, he was on his way back from the toilet when he spotted her, quickly turning to walk in her direction he stopped her with a smile. "Hi"

She smiled at Harry, despite his history with her friends and all of the tension in the post war world she was fond him, he was nice and she enjoyed that.

"Hello Harry" she smiled, her dimples carved into her cheeks as she did and Harry couldn't help but admire them. She was so desirable.

"We got top marks on that Herbology project" He said, scolding himself for using school as a topic of conversation. But his palms were sweating and he wasn't sure of what else to talk to her about, she was intimidating to him. "Did you see?"

Madison's usual smirk made it's way onto her face as she watched him crumble in front of her. She would've assumed that out of all the things he had achieved in his life talking to girls would be one of the easier things he could do. But it was apparent that this wasn't the case.

"I did see that" she smiled, making Harry's heart skip a beat. "Would you like a drink?" she offered trying to settle his nerves a little. "Consider it a victory drink" she joked, a wink chasing her words causing a blush to settle on Harry's face.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 13, 2020 ⏰

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