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Hi, my name is Pragathi. I am from mysuru: I shyly introduced myself to the lecturer who's newly transferred to my college and wants to get acquainted to her students.

I go to a college where people from different states and even from different countries come to India for study purposes, so It's kind of a mandatory thing to tell someone where you're from.

I took a deep breath as I sat down after briefly giving an introduction thinking to myself ' oof thank God, I didn't mess it up this time, I somehow managed to say the words without them coming out slurred' .

I am an introvert as people would call people like me. It took me some time to realize that, but I'm learning to accept myself as I am.
I don't do well in a group of people if it has more than two members. That two, is including me, oops. Now I am working on myself so that I am not uncomfortable in front of two people max. More than that, I'm out.

I am the type two introvert who's willing to stay in room for hours together, just minding her own business, not talking to people, just reading a book or two.
Type one introverts are people who're uncomfortable around people too but the difference is, they're willing to go out on adventures, not necessarily wants to stay at home always. But again, they prefer to have fun alone. No people involved.

Hey, I know a thing or two about introverts alright? Given I actually am one. What do you think I do staying at room for hours? I read one or two articles on this topic.

Those who are on the extroverted side would see my life as boring. Some people even think I have attitude issues, but the truth is, I'm simply not comfortable talking to people and I end up saying stupid stuff and make people uncomfortable, so I steer clear of situations which requires me to have interaction with people socially, which will make them think I have attitude problems.

But as long as they don't talk to me, I don't care what they think about me.
Although, I am a whole different person when it comes to texting. I am comfortable texting people, they'll find me funny, they'll open up to me, they'll be so happy that I'm such a good listener. But what I'm actually doing is just reading their messages and replying to it in a way which I think is appropriate.

But I do have some friends (by SOME, I mean TWO.) I can be truly who I am, when I'm around them and not be uncomfortable. In fact, when I'M talking to them, there's literally no comma, no full stop, I'll be just ranting about the most random thing ever. They'll have to stop me sometimes.

Am I super proud of who I am? No. It amazes me when I see people who are so easy going and makes friends easily, and make them feel comfortable. I seriously feel like it's an art, and I feel like I miserably failed at it everytime I see someone leaving me with a  awkward 'bye' after a very awkward conversation.

Growing up, I was never the center of attention, I was never a popular kid among my friends, in fact I never had many friends. I seriously doubt some of them even knew I existed. All I would do is look enviously at the cheerful 'popular' girl, for whom all the boys would die for. I actually sighed and tried to move on when she started dating my crush because I never tried to tell him how I felt because that's how awkward and shy I am. This was the story when I was in highschool by the way.

Now that I think about it, I am the dead opposite of how they portray female leads in the movies.
Waaaaait! If I ever wrote a story, it'd be so unique, would people read it?
There's a great chance it could go either ways... Either it'll be a great hit, or it'll be a pathetic flop. I mean, who likes a female lead who's dressed sloppy, who's not at all fun to hang out with, who's not cheerful and happy going right? Maybe people like me would be into it. Maybe.

I felt a strong poke in my ribs, which brought me back to the world.
Shit, I was lost thinking, AGAIN.
I looked at Preeti, looking at me with ' you did it again' look. Preeti is actually one of my two best friends. I looked at her apologetically. "Dude, I know, I was lost again. What did I miss?" I asked. "Oh nothing, she just introduced herself and there was chat about some random thing. She said she'll take regular classes starting tomorrow" she said. She's used to me. She didn't judge me. That's why I'm with her hehe.
"Yo I wanna pee before the next class starts, wanna go with me?" I heard her saying. "Ya cool, let's go." I replied.

We both got up to go, then I heard someone running right towards me. I looked at him, and I saw the cutest face I'd ever seen till date.
He stopped right in front of me. It looked like he was looking for something. I was so lost seeing his face, I forgot I was blocking him. Preeti pulled me to side to help him see better.

He was sweating from running. He looked panicked. I heard a manly voice coming from somewhere and I noticed it was his. SHIT HE'S LOOKING RIGHT AT ME. OMAGAWD!!!! HE'S OPENING HIS MOUTH TO TALK TO ME!!! QUICK, ACT NATURAL!! screamed my brain. By then I heard him saying " do you know where first years are? I am supposed to meet them at this class but I see no one, I have an important class and I'm already late " he spoke fastly and waited for my response that never came from me. I just went agape. I just looked at him blankly with my mouth still hanging open.


Hey guys.. how did you like it? You have a whole comment section to let me know! I'm working on this to make it more interesting in up coming chapters.. if you liked it, please put a star on it hehe.. I haven't decided on my update schedule but if it gets more views, I'll update soon.
Btw the pics, I found them In Google.. if it's copywrited, my bad. All credit goes to the pic owners.

Thank you, and PEACE!

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