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It's been two years since I confessed to Temjen. I cannot believe it's already been two years. I am now a senior. I'm gonna be graduating this year.

Thankfully, nothing changed between us. We're still as close as before. He's a very good friend. Though I don't know if he thinks the same, I consider him one of my very good friends.

Currently, I am under a lot of pressure since I am a senior and I have got many things to take care of. I am constantly stressed, trying to score good marks, studying, attending campus interviews and what not.

But Temjen is always there. He acts as if he's least bothered about my stuff, but when he sees me stressed, he's always there for me. He's always making me smile through his witty but weird jokes.
Yesterday, he even treated me to food because I was so stressed about my upcoming internals. He pretends not to care, but never fails to make me feel better.
Also, he LOVES to roast me. I do that too. Yeah. I can not only talk to people, but also can roast them now. (Them means Temjen only. I'm still as shy as I ever was, in front of new people)

Thanks to him, I get weird stares too when I'm with him.
I even heard some jealous classmate of mine saying "how come he's close with only her? He can talk to me also!"
I mean, she could've, but she didn't. Stupid girl.
Thanks to being with him, I can talk to people without them mistaking my intentions. Also, I have learnt not to give a care to those who stare. That's a gain on my part.

Also, I've been hearing 'Mohith' a lot from him these days.
Blah blah Mohith!
Blah Mohith blah.
Mohith blah blah.
It feels like he says Mohith at least once in a sentence.
"Aaaand you still say you're not gay?" I tease him.
"I like to hang out with him okay? He's literally like me. We're so similar, we think similar, it's crazy! Also, you might be a lesbian too. So there's that. Humph!" He pouts.
Still as cute as ever when he pouts like a three year old.
"Me? lesbian? Haha! I think I might be. I mean, I liked YOU!" I burst out laughing.
He was so embarrassed, his fair face turned pink. It's so much fun to tease him, haha.
"Maaan! I liked it when you would just take my roast and smile like an idiot! Hmm those were some good days!"
"You can't blame me, I'm friends with YOU!"
"Oh! Fine, I admit defeat" he put his hands in the air as if he's admitting defeat.
I wink.
He cringes.

"But seriously though, if you liked me, you'll definitely like him! We're so similar!" He says.
"Why would I like him? Besides, you seem like you LOVE him. I don't want a guy to be my rival you know?" I laugh.
"Ha! Ha! Ha! Very funny" he rolls his eyes.
But I've been hearing a lot of Mohith story, I have to admit, this guy seems interesting.
Shit! I was zoning out again. Wait. Temjen didn't ask me to come back to Earth or something like that.
Oh! Wait! He's not talking either. That's so unlike him. Unlike me, he talks. He talks too much, I've honestly thought about asking him to shut up some times.
I think something mischievous.
"BOO!" I try to scare him.
"AAAAAAH!" he was so scared, he almost fell down, lol.
"Not cool, man." he says.
I can't believe he fell for this. Haha.
But then I see him thinking deeply about something.
"Hey! Are you okay?" I ask.
"Yeah! I'm fine, let's go!" He says.
We both went back to our home and rooms respectively, but I was not convinced he was actually fine, so I ended up calling him.
"Yo! I know something is bothering you, but everything's gonna be fine okay?" I blurt out the moment he picked up the phone.
"Umm yeah! I hope so.. Hey! Do you wanna eat out? My treat!" He says.
"You are treating me?! Am I dreaming? You're not planning on making me pay after we eat are you?" I say jokingly.
"No" he simply says.
Something is definitely off.
"Umm when?" I ask.
"Like now." He replies.
"Now? But I just got home, I'm so tired... Can we meet up after sometime?" I start complaining.
"It's now, or never. And it's my treat. You wanna come or nah?"
"Oof! So bossy! Okay, fine! I'll see you in some time!"
"Hup hup! Time's ticking!"
"Fine!" I cut the call and roll my eyes.

But he looks like something's troubling him, if he wants to talk about it, at least I can listen.
I get up and get ready to go.

We met up at our usual place that we liked to eat out and ordered burgers and fries.
As we were waiting for our order, I start talking.
"So? Everything okay?"
" Yeah! I mean.. I'm gonna be an year older tomorrow and all! I don't think I can meet anyone tomorrow, so I'm treating you now!"
I tried to act cool, though I'd totally forgotten about tomorrow being his birthday.
"It's your birthday tomorrow! You should be happy right? Birthdays are fun! But why long face?" I ask.
"Also, why can't you meet anyone tomorrow?" I continue.

"Birthdays are fun for six year olds. Not us. I'll be already 23 by tomorrow, but I have no clue as in what's happening with my life, where I'm headed to. I'm doing something that I don't like, I don't have time to do what I want to do, this is frustrating Pragathi.
So I'm planning on just locking myself in my room for rest of tomorrow, not talking to anyone and just reflecting on stuff." He says depressed.

"Oh sweetie, it's okay, things look like they're out of place for now, but trust me, everything will fall into place. Just trust the process, and you'll be fine!" I try to console him though I can't relate to a single thing he's saying.

"Also, as your friend, I think I can advise you to quit smoking. I know it seems impossible, but at least you can cut down on it. Think about it okay?"

"Yeah! You're right, but when I'm sitting alone at room, I'll be so bored, I don't have anything to do, I just smoke continuously to kill time, or I'll get frustrated!"

"You could be doing so many things to kill time, and smoking is not one of those things. I'm here, you can text me, call me whenever you need someone to talk to, you know?"

"Yes, you're right... I know and I'll try, man!"
"I don't know, I'm not happy to see you sad when tomorrow's your birthday! I hope you feel a bit better! Cheer up, okay?"
"Yes! Honestly, after talking to you, I feel so much better."

We finally got what we ordered. We took a bite, we didn't like what we were eating.
"Eww! This bread is hard! I don't like this at all! Man, this used to taste good also." He says.
"And these fries? EUGH! You could stab someone with these to death!" I say.
He smiled. Ooh! He smiled. Okay. I should probably continue.
"See!" I stabbed the burger with a fry to prove my point.
He laughed and did the same.
Before a minute, we murdered the poor burger with all the fries we ordered. That was alarming, but calming at the same time.

"Thanks Pragathi, I feel so much better now! I'll see you tomorrow at college. Oh! Or maybe not hehe, I'm still contemplating if I should go or not."

"You don't need to thank me, I'm just doing what a friend should be doing! As of coming to college or skipping, it's your call! But I hope to see you tomorrow! Bye Temjen"
"Umhm! Bye!"

I get home. I was in front of TV, but my mind was thinking about what happened today.
I need to gift him something... But I'm broke af. Wait. He likes chocolates. That's neat! I'll get him a big chocolate tomorrow. But he said he's gonna skip classes tomorrow. What do I do?
Suddenly, I remember Mohith.
If I somehow contact him, I can make sure Temjen gets his gift on this birthday!
Without giving it a second thought, I went on my SNS account and search for Mohith. It was easy to find him, as he is a friend of Temjen.
I dm'd him a simple 'hi!', without giving it a second thought.
I should have thought one more time. Just one more time.
If I knew what I was getting myself into, I probably wouldn't have done that.


Hello there! I'm loving so far how this story is going. I hope you are too!
Hope you had a good time reading this.
Also, I don't own the pic I used, I googled it, so all credits to picture's owner.
Thank you, and peace!❤️

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