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"DID YOU DO IT OR NAH?!" Adithi asked me.
I smile.
"DON'T DO THIS TO ME! TELL ME ALREADY! I'M DYING TO KNOW!!" She became more excited.

"Well.. we kissed and we kissed more! Sorry to disappoint you, but we didn't do the 'it' you're referring to. I'm simply not ready yet and I honestly don't trust him enough to give him my first time. I know it's cheesy, but I want my first time with a special someone who stays till last!
But the kisses got more wild as the time passed! It was not just 'slow and passionate kiss' anymore!" I replied and winked at her.
" I get how you take more time opening up to people and trust them. Take your time and don't hurt yourself!" She says.

That's us. No walls in between. Just senseless jokes, best advices, just best friends. Some people would call their best friend 'sister'. I beg to differ. You can't assign one role to your best friend. A sister is, just sister. But a best friend takes up the roles of mom, dad, sister, a person who you can lean on when you're in pain, one who squeezes your ear to come to correct path when you're on wrong path. Your well wisher, who doesn't expect anything in return.

A best friend is one of the best thing that can happen to someone in life. I'm lucky to have not one, but two best friends. I thank God everyday for this.
I don't have too many people in my life, but after all, quality is more important than quantity.

Thinking, more thinking again. Adithi knew I was zoning out again, but she didn't try to disturb me. She's totally used to me. Or she might've thought that I was dreaming about what happened today.
Yes. Today. I ran to her straight after what happened with me and Mohit. I had to tell her, or I would burst out of happiness.

I feel dizzy whenever I think about today. I smile to myself like an idiot. Though it was not the first kiss to him, it was for me. So it's very special to me.
Is this what people say "being high on love"? Because I'm no lesser than being high. Haha.

oh my god, I'm falling for him. I need to keep my feelings under check. At this rate, I might actually end up hurting myself. He was dead ass serious when he said he didn't want to get serious. This time, this is going to be a lot more harder if I get friendzoned, because we've done things, also, this is not just crush, I've fallen for him. Real hard. This is bad. This is really really bad.

Days pass. Even though I don't want to admit, I know I'm falling for him deeper and deeper. I always type 'I love you' but then I backspace it and send 'I miss you' instead.
For example, yesterday I almost ended up saying I love you to his face.
It went like this:
He was joking and I was laughing but suddenly I was like "hahaha!! I love y-..."
But thankfully, I changed it to "I love it when you say things like that!".
Phew. That would've been disastrous. I think he didn't notice. I'm getting better at concealing my feelings. But the question is: how much longer can I hold until I finally blow up? I love how things are, right now. If I tell him how I'm feeling, this is for sure, going down the drain.

Just when I thought I missed him and that I wanted to talk to him, he calls.
Seriously, is this some sort of sorcery? And this is not even the first time this is happening.
It's almost like we have a telepathic connection between us.
Are we meant to be together? How is this going to end? I don't know. I'll just keep quiet for now and let the time do its own thing.
My phone is still ringing. I stop thinking and take his call.
"Hey! do you wanna meet up right now?"
"Are you kidding me?! Hell yes!! I miss you like crazy!!" Is what I wanted to say.
"Yeah, sure!" Is what I say in stead.
"Alright! Cool, meet you at our spot in a while!" He says.
I am so content, I started dancing. There's no denying the connection that we have. I can feel it. I hope he can feel it too.

After a while, we meet up at 'our spot'.
We were talking about what we were going to do next, is when he got a call from his best friend, Chandan.
He attended the call in front of me, so I could hear their conversation.
It looked like his friends were meeting up and Chandan insisted Mohit to come.
Unlike me, Mohit is an extrovert. He has many friends. There are always people around him. He is always the centre of attention. People love hanging around him. His charms, his wit, his attractiveness, nobody can resist him.
I can see girls' eyes becoming like heart eye emoji when they're looking at him. Girls worship him.
This makes me jealous sometimes, but most of the times, I feel happy to be dating a guy like him. But I get sad at times that I can't tell the world that he's mine, and that he belongs to me. Because, he doesn't.

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