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Mohit came back for good. He'll not be going back this time. He's going to stay here for forever from now on.

We could go back to being our normal selves.

I let my train of thoughts run in whichever way it wanted to. I'm happy, but it looks like life has different plans for us.

It's been almost a week since he came back, but we're yet to meet.

He rarely calls and barely texts. I'm a little confused and disappointed, but I'm being patient.

We finally meet after a long week.

"I'm so sorry, you know how it is with my friends. They all want to meet me. They all want me to be with them, and not to mention my family. Though they're the ones who sent me there at the first place, they've missed me it seems. I've been so busy meeting friends, attending family functions and it's been a chaos. All of the chaos will come to an end soon. They'll settle down. I'll give you more time then, I promise I didn't do anything on purpose. I hope you understand." He says.

I'm a little disappointed. He could make time for his friends, but not me. I missed him too. I wanted to see him too.

Life is all about priorities. Am I not one to him then?

Shoot. What am I thinking? He has valid reasons. He wouldn't have done this on purpose. I have to be more understanding and I've to keep my cool.

I hoped things to get better and that it was just an one-time thing, but for some reason, it never really got better. He did say he'll give me more time, but he keeps failing to keep that promise. I know he doesn't do that on purpose, but I'm still a tiny bit unhappy.

He says he's been working day and night. The money he's getting from doing gigs is not enough, it seems.

He's finding ways to make more money. He says he's working multiple

Jobs, all music related, of course.

As the months pass, the frequency of us texting each other becomes lesser and lesser, meetups are almost non-existent.

We don't text each other like we used to. He doesn't call me at all. This is so not happening. I wait patiently for at least one text. Initially, he would at least respond if I took initiative and called but as more days pass, he started completely ignoring my texts and calls and never bothered to reach me back.

I have to be more understanding. I have to be patient. I have to try more.

If he doesn't call me, I'll call instead.

If we can't go out, I'll go to his home and hang out with his friends and him in-stead. I have to find ways to make this work.

Yes. That's how it should be. Right?

But why do I feel like I'm the only one who's trying? I shouldn't be feeling this way. Everything was fine just a few months ago. I feel like something is trying to rip our bond apart. Just what happened in Delhi or right after he came back from there? All our problems seems to have started from there. Weve been lacking in the communication part that we were so sure about never letting that happen. This is not it. I'll do whatever it takes to keep this from falling apart. I need to talk to him but I cant when hes not willing to. I feel like every door of opportunity is getting shut on my face.

I need some advice. Is there someone who can give me some? I can really use some advice now.

I immediately think of Adithi.

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