Atlantis AU Part 2

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Pidge's POV:

My brain is working double time to figure out all of the information he just gave me.

"So the crystals are a power source, and can heal injuries? Are they capable of healing illnesses too?" I ask, trying to learn about the crystals.

"I'm not sure. Maybe?" He replies

"Ok, do you know what time it is?" I ask suddenly aware of the lack of sleep I should make up on.

"No, time doesn't work the same in Atlantis as you think."

"I'm asking because I am tired, do Atlantisians sleep?" 

"Yeah, we sleep." He says, I notice the droopiness of his eyelids

"Ok, you don't look to good, why don't you rest." I say gently

"Even like this, I bet you still can't resist me." His playful tone comes back,

"Whatever Loverboy, sleep. An exhausted guide won't get us anywhere."

"Fine." he says and lays down, I do the same. The ground is really cold and I begin to shiver, I try to make as little noise as possible, but to no avail. I feel his chest against my back, my face warms,

"W-what are y-you doing?" I say with chattering teeth

"Your freezing!" He exclaims, "Plus I can't sleep through your teeth chattering." 

"Ok." I say, I have to admit he is really warm. I try and get closer to that warmth.

"Still cold." I can practically hear his smirk in his words,

"Yeah, you are really warm." I say, trying to keep my thoughts back in order once more. Sleep drifts closer, like a dark cloud, blocking the light from the room.

Lance's POV:

"Yeah, you are really warm." She mutters drowsily. 

"I'm glad you think so." I say, wrapping an arm around her shoulders. She doesn't complain, but instead, pulls my arm close. My face warms slightly. I entertain myself by playing with her hair, its short and incredibly curly. I reach over and grab the little things on her face. They are small and very thin, I move them up onto my face. Its sort of blurry to look through, but they are interesting. I set them down next to her. Pidge, that's her name. Its interesting, she is interesting. The way her eyes lit up when I was telling her about Atlantis' past. The interesting speckles all over her arms. I made a mental note to ask her about herself later, after some sleep. I close my eyes and wait for sleep, thankfully, I don"t have to wait long.

Time Skip Brought to you by Plance~

I wake up to the feeling of someone stirring in front of me. I open my eyes to see she had turned around at some point, and was now facing me. Her eyes are still closed, she must still be asleep. I gently wake her, 

"No, let me sleep Matt...." She mumbles, I try not to squeal. Right now, she is adorable.

"Come on Pidge, wake up." I whisper in her ear, she shudders. "Pidge, Pidge! wake up." I say, shaking her. She slowly blinks open her eyes, and picks up her glasses. A confused expression crosses her face,

"Did you take these off in my sleep?" She asks

"Yeah, they look cool, what are they?" I question

"They are called glasses, they help people see better if they need it." She explains, "I wear them to honor my brother, they used to be his." A sad expression crosses her face, then hardens.

"Matt?" I ask

"How do you know?!" 

"You called me him in your sleep." I laugh softly, her face goes a light pink.


"It's fine, lets get moving, We shouldn't be to far." I pull her to her feet, and lead her through the darkness once more

Pidge's POV: 

He drags me through the darkness again, second time in.... however long its been. I begin to stumble, but quickly regain my balance. Like before, I try to ask his name.

"Whats your name, you forgot to tell me." I ask

"_____" I can barley hear him,

"Say that again, I can't hear you." I try again

"_____" His voice is echoing of the tunnels and becoming muddled

"Can you pleas repeat?" I try once more, this time he stops. Abruptly. I run right into him, his arms keeping me from falling. I look him dead in the eyes, he looks back. We keep this up for about 30 seconds before I interrupt, "Your name?" I ask, voice barely a whisper

"Lance." He replies. A smirk grows on his face,

"What are you smirking at?" I growl, clearly aware of my pink cheeks

"Your face goes pink when your flustered, Its cute." He grins larger, a cheshire cat smile.

"Its called blushing, when you are embarrassed or flustered, your face gets a bit pink. Does that not happen for you people?"

"I guess not." He leans towards me,

"What are you doing?" I say, irritated

"Trying to make your face pink." He states

"Good luck, lets get going." 

"But I already did it once before." He complains

"Its harder to do if they know it, now lets goooooo!" He grabs my hand once more and leads me through the caverns. I really hope my team is ok, but at the same time, I want them to head back to the mainland. I would like to stay in Atlantis, study the technology and the architecture, it sounds amazing! The dim lighting from the crystal fades away and natural light floods the caverns. We made it!

This is really fun to write, but I am going to leave it at two parts for some time, Ill get back to this later, I promise. Let me know any other AU's you guys like and I will try to write them for you. I also want to thank you all for reaching the 500 read mark, we are halfway there to 1k reads! You are the best, Thank You! Asta la later!

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