Chapter 1: Introducing the "freak"

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(Disclaimer: All names used in this story are from a Random Name Generator. They aren't the real names of the people the characters are based on)
It was a day like normal, Pure just going on with his life he worked hard but was always bullied for being who he is. A fake half-robot and half-human with a passion to sing and play his violin and guitar. He was walking down the hall with his guitar case on his back and his violin case in his right hand and his book bag slung over his shoulder. A group of popular kids was passing by and bumped into him and knocked Pure's violin case out of his hand. "Yo watch it loser!" The tall, curly-haired, skinny bully said to Pure. "Sorry man.." Pure went to pick up his violin case but the curly-haired bully stopped him before he could pick it up. "Why are you in such a hurry Pure? We aren't done here." Pure looks at him in the eyes. "Come man just let me go. I said I was sorry I just want to get to class and finish out my day." The bully laughs. "Look, guys, we got a smart one here. Listen, Pure, I run these halls don't piss me off. You already are on a warning for talking to my girlfriend."

It is true that Pure was friends with this guy's girlfriend and it was hard talking to her without him on his ass about it. "Dude come on let me go. I just want to go to my class." The bully smirks "No you ain't getting away." Without expecting it Pure gets punched in the stomach and Pure falls to his knees as he clutches his stomach. "Seth stop it!" Seth turns around to see his girlfriend Ava running up to Pure. "Babe what are you doing?!" Ava helps Pure up. "Just leave him alone. He hasn't done anything wrong why do you have to be such an asshole?" Seth rolls his eyes. "Let me have him." Seth goes to punch Pure but Pure stops his fist and punches Seth dead in his face knocking him to the ground in a daze.

"I'm sorry Ava. But I can't let this go without my input. Just stay back and let me fight my own battle." Seth gets back up. "Oh, you're gonna pay." Seth goes to punch Pure and Pure dodges a few until he was tripped and then started getting beaten down by the other bullies Ava tried to intervene but she couldn't. After a few teachers stopped them and they all got in trouble. Pure was beaten and battered his jacket was torn and blood was dripping from his nose and lip. His signature "You are free" logo on the back of his jacket was torn and dirty. His hair was a mess and dirty. His jeans got ripped and his violin and guitar were damaged but they were replaceable and were possibly able to get fixed. Ava helped Pure collected his things and someone approached him and Ava. A 5'10, longish blonde haired girl approached Pure and handed him his book bag. "You might not want to forget this Pure. by the way, my name is Charity. I and Pure have health class and choir together." Charity says to Ava and Pure just smiles slightly. "Thanks, Charity it isn't the first time this has happened. But this is the first time my guitar and violin suffered from an attack."

Charity gives Pure a sympathetic look. "They are a bunch of jackasses. I don't know why you still are with him, Ava." Ava rolls her eyes. "I wish I could leave but it's impossible when the guy runs the school basically. I swear I hate him half the time." Charity nods in understanding. "Well, Pure let us get you cleaned up a bit. I don't mind if I'm late for Health class." Pure nods. "You wanna come with us Ava or you got somewhere to be?" Ava shrugs "Sure I can go I don't really want to be in drama class right now." Pure, Ava, and Charity walk to a nearby fountain and washed off some of the dirt and blood of Pure's face.

Charity grabbed a cloth out of her bag and handed it to Pure. "Jeez, Pure they really did a number on you." Charity said and Pure chuckles a bit. "Well I'm used to it at this point and I've been paying my friend to repair my clothing every time this happens." Charity looks down a tiny bit. "W-well if you need help with your clothes I can repair them I wouldn't charge you anything." Pure looks surprised by the offer. "I would normally turn down such kindness because I don't feel like I deserve it but sure thanks Charity I really appreciate it." Charity gives a sweet smile. Ava looks at Charity and sees something in her eyes.

A crush on Pure is what she sees. Ava always knew that Pure liked Charity maybe she can make this work for them. Pure was Ava's best friend so maybe she can help make her best friend happy again. "Well, guys you should be heading to class the bell is about to ring," Ava said that the bell rang. "Well as I was saying I'll see you around Pure and Charity help him out a bit he is a little battered still." Charity nods and picks up Pure's book bag and Pure carries his violin and guitar that was badly damaged. Ava gives Pure a hug and Ava looked at Charity who had a tiny bit of jealousy in her eyes. "That confirms it. Charity likes Pure." Ava thought as the 2 headed to class and she went off to class.

Pure and Charity walked to their health class and Pure held open the door for her. "Thanks, Pure." Pure smiles as they enter class they were mid-schoolwork and Pure was still looking battered but wasn't bothered by anyone and his friend Jonah motioned for him to come to sit over there with him and there were 2 seats open. "Wanna come sit with me Charity?" Pure whispered. Charity blushes a tiny bit and nods. They go sit with Jonah and his friend Ryan after they put Pure's stuff down. "Yo Pure what happened to you?" Jonah asked. "I got into a little bit of a fight. Nothing big man" Charity gives Pure a disbelieving look. "Don't sugar coat it Pure I was there and it was bad." Pure shrugs. "It isn't out of the norm for me to get beat up because of what I am." Ryan gives a questioning look. "That is?" Pure's eyes shift a little bit and he sighs and rolls up his sleeve and he opens his arm up that has robotic parts in it. Charity and Ryan were shocked to see this but Jonah already knew about it. "I'm a half robot and half human. Don't worry only my skeleton and my arms and legs are robotic the rest of me is human." Pure closes his arm and pulls his sleeve back down.

Ryan was shocked but Charity spoke up. "That is really surprising Pure but.. that is really cool and you're just a bundle of wonder." Pure smiles "Thanks most people would see me as a freak for it but I really appreciate it." Ryan is still shocked. "Yeah man, we're cool with this right Ryan?" Jonah said. Ryan shook out of his trance. "Yeah, it's just surprising that knowing you for so long I never knew this." Pure laughs a tiny bit. "Sorry, it isn't something I just share all the time." Charity smiles at Pure she never noticed how cute he was. Wait did she just think he was cute? Well it wasn't a lie Pure was cute and he was very kind to everyone he knew. He takes beatings and he is half robot which is really cool. "Wait, Pure, if you're a half robot, then why don't you defend yourself more? You must have super strong arms and legs and a super strong skeleton if you're robotic." Pure shrugs "They don't know I'm half robot only you guys and Ava knows. I trust you guys with that information. Besides I rather not use my power against them been there done that." Charity felt something in her chest like a weird sensation that she is trusted with such secretive information. "Charity? You okay?" Pure said and Charity snapped out of her trance and she blushes a tiny bit embarrassed. "Sorry yeah, I'm fine well let's get this classwork done don't want our teacher mad at us." They all agree but Pure stares at Charity for a second or so then proceeds to his classwork.

(What is up my music lovers? I'm back with a real-life story of mine just with a little twist. Most of this did happen actually. Besides the whole robot part and everything that seems odd but the fight and the whole thing with Charity and Ava actually happened. Anyways I'll see you all in the next chapter Pure Placebo Out!)

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