Chapter 10: Purity

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(I do ask that you wait to play the video until I say so. It'll come handy later in the chapter.)

They open the door and what they see is scorch marks everywhere. It seems to originate from one room. "The Purification Chamber is over there or well was over there," Allie says as they enter. Charity starts taking pictures of the place. They enter the room Allie pointed out and no one is in there besides an empty medical table with scorch marks seeming to start there. "This is where the explosion happened. I will say Pure sacrificed a lot to escape. It was only me, Pure, and Cameron to escape. Cameron is our brother by the way. The rest of the Placebos here died in the explosion." Allie points out the human-shaped scorch and soot mark outlines on the wall. Charity takes pictures. "Then what is the story behind Frey?" Allie was about to answer but someone falls from the roof and lands on their feet. "That you are not allowed to know," Frey said. Charity rolls her eyes. "What do you want Frey? Where is Pure?" Frey sighs. "Your disguise doesn't help you Charity. Robin died in that explosion. The explosion of my own design. Also Pure? Well, let's say he is in a safe place." Charity's face turns to a scowl and runs at Frey and tackles him to the ground. "What did you do to him?!" Charity then punches Frey in the face and the mask starts to glitch out. "I can't tell you. But..." Frey's eye then glows bright green and this blinds Charity for a second so Frey escapes. "I can show you though. Follow me to the roof." Frey then walks out of the room and opens a hatch on the ceiling and climbs to the room. Charity gets up and rubs her eyes and she starts to see again. Allie comes over to Charity. "Calm down first Charity. It'll do you no use to be angry right now. He's gonna show you what happened to Pure. Please just listen to me and calm down." Charity nods and starts to breathe in and out to start calming down. 

Charity calms down. She climbs to the roof and she sees no one besides a note taped to the satellite. Charity grabs it after groaning and reads but looks on shocked as she recognizes the handwriting.


Listen if you're reading this right now it's because you met Frey. Frey is a bit of a bitch to handle. I know I've had to live with him since I was born. But, that is beside the point. I want you to head to our high school and climb to the roof. I'll be waiting for you. I love you Charity. I'll see you there.

Love, Pure

"Pure..." Charity starts to cry. "I'll be there you dork..." Charity climbs down back inside. Allie looks at her. "Well?" Charity wipes her eyes. "I need to head to our school. But it's something I must do alone." Allie nods. "Let me take you there at least." Charity nods and they start to make there way there.

Time Skip about 1 hour so it's like 8 pm at this point.

"This is crazy. This is crazy." Charity repeats to herself. "I'm aware of how crazy it is in this life. You'll get used to it." Allie says as they stand outside the school. "What's your plan to even get up there? It's about to be dark out and I'm sure security won't be so kind to you here." Charity shrugs and says. "Worry about a plan later. Get objective now." Allie sweatdrops. "Good luck I'm sure you can do this alone." Charity nods and Allie rushes off. Charity looks at the big building and sees a corner of walls. "Climb it." A voice in Charity's head said. Charity nods and runs and jumps up and kick jumps off the wall and does it again with the other wall and grabs onto the ledge. She struggles but pulls herself up and sees another set of walls that lead higher to the actual roof. 

Charity looks at it and sweatdrops. "What will you do for love? What will you do for us?" A voice that sounds like Pure goes through Charity's mind. "Everything... I love you Pure..." Charity looks around and sees a key on the ground roof. She grabs it and there are a few words engraved on it. You are free. She looks around and she sees a billboard that has You Are Free spray painted on it and she sees behind the spray paint is a keyhole with writing that spells Amber Rock. Charity gives a questioning look and looks at the ground and eventually sees indeed an amber. She picks it up and turns it around and sees a keyhole and she places the key in and turns it and it opens up and inside is a cube and a note. That reads Press it. Charity presses the button on the cube and it springs from her hand and transforms into a trampoline. "Pure you and your crazy technology. I envy you, babe." Charity pumps herself up and runs and jumps onto the trampoline and she springs up and grabs onto the ledge of the roof and pulls herself up. She gives herself a break and just sits there for a little bit. 

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