Chapter 5: Placebos are fake right?

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It's been 3 days since Pure and Charity were brought together. Monday went alright for the duo. Pure has been on edge since Seth's threat on Friday. Charity always tells him he'll be fine. He's strong in her eyes at least. It is now Tuesday and Pure, of course, is the first to arrive at school at the early time of 6:31 am. He's been awake for almost an hour now but this was normal for him. He sits outside by where the buses drop people off. It's winter time but the cold never bothered Pure anyways. He wasn't wearing his usual "You are free" Hoodie. He is wearing his "Fisheye Placebo" Hoodie. It was around 7:06 am by now and Ava actually came out to join Pure. "Hey, Pure why are you out here? It's fucking freezing." (Pardon my language but this is how Ava is.) Pure shrugs. "Hey, I'm just waiting for Charity that's all. Care to keep me company?" Ava shakes her head. "Hell no, I'm sorry it's just too cold for this shit. I'll be inside if you need me." Pure rolls his eyes. "You know I'm a half robot. Coldness isn't something I feel as easy as you do." 

Ava sighs "I'm sorry I wasn't made in a factory as the perfect half human and half robot. I forget how old are you anyway?" Pure sighs "I'm 17 just because I was made in a factory doesn't mean I didn't grow up in a home with a family. Yeah, I've had maintenance done to make sure my bones and arms grew with my human body and made sure they stayed metal." Ava rolls her eyes "Whatever dude, I'll see you inside. I know you don't like talking about that factory-" "Then why bring it up?" Pure interrupts which is rare for him. "Just go. I'm just angry now and I rather not have it be taken out on you. I need to calm down." Ava nods and just walk away fearful. It's hard to make Pure mad especially since it was his best friend of all people. It's now around 7:16 am, A few buses have arrived and Pure was texting Charity.

 Pure- "Babe, I'm just gonna let you know I'm not in the greatest mood. Ava brought up why I'm a robot and it just turned into an argument." 

Charity - "It's okay babe. I'm sure she didn't mean it like that. Whatever the reason may be she is still your good friend right?" 

Pure- "Yeah, You're right thanks, babe <3"

Then out of nowhere, Someone hugs Pure from the front. Pure smiles since he already knows who it is. "Hey, babe." Charity smiles blushing a bit. "Hi, baby, How you feeling?" Pure smiles and wraps his arms around Charity. "I'm feeling better. I should apologize to Ava for blowing up as I did." Charity nods. "But first, come closer." Pure smiles and does as he is told. Charity kisses Pure softly blushing. "I love you Pure. I don't care if you're a half robot. I still love you for being you." Pure smiles and blushes "I love you too Babe. It is something I feared so much. That I would never be loved for me being me. People were always scared of what I am. I never told a lot of people about what I am but people figure out." Charity takes Pure by the hand and they walk into the school. 

Ava was actually sitting nearby on her phone. "Ava?" Ava looked up from her phone. She looks at Pure but then looks away with a huff. "I wanted to say I'm sorry for how I acted. I shouldn't have blown up like that. It wasn't right of me. I just don't like talking about that factory which made me end up this way. But, that doesn't excuse my actions. I feel bad for what I said I'm sorry I really am." Ava looks at him and sighs "It's fine I'm sorry as well. We make mistakes but I guess it makes us human." Pure smiles and so does Ava. "Well, I'm glad you guys could patch things up before it got any worse." Ava nods and so does Pure. "Yo Fake ass!" Pure looks over to see who he dreads. Of all people, it had to be Seth. "What did I say about talking to my girl? You're really cruising for that fight Fakey. I mean Placebos are fake right?" (I'm sorry for my puns) 

"I'm not looking for anything Seth. I have a right to talk to anyone I wish. It's not like I'm doing anything to her, am I?" Seth at this point is looking cocky. "How about you leave my girl alone and I'll leave yours alone. But first." Seth punches Pure in the face. This makes Charity and Ava shocked. But, Seth didn't realize what was about to happen. "Is that all you got?" Pure says as he is unfazed from the punch. Pure then grabs Seth's hand and crushes it with his grip. This causes Seth to scream in pain. "Quit while you're ahead Seth. If you do, I'll consider not breaking your hand and every other bone in that body of yours." Seth looks at Pure in defiance. "Never, you can piss off for all I care. You aren't better than me. You're just the same. You want the power I have. You're no better than me. A low life with nothing but wanting the power of running this place." Pure crushes Seth's hand more. 

This causes a bloodcurdling scream to come out. "I'm not like you. I'll never be like you. I don't want to run this place. I want nothing but to keep these people safe for those who were foolish enough to join you. If it means hurting their leader then so be it. Who is gonna stop me? I only let you guys hurt me because I didn't have that confidence I have now. With my very beautiful girlfriend on my side and your cool girlfriend and my best friend on my side. I'm sure the 3 dudes I beat up informed you of what I can do. I rather not have to do that again to anyone. So please, Quit while you're ahead." Pure lets go of Seth's hand and he instantly brings it to himself and holds it. "You'll pay... You'll pay for this Pure. I'll beat your ass one of these days. Enjoy your euphoria for now." Seth then runs off injured. Pure breathes in and out to calm himself. 

Charity looks beyond scared but also proud that Pure finally stood against Seth and won that round. "I've said this before and I'll say it again. You truly are a bundle of wonder Pure." Ava nods in agreement but smirks. "I didn't think you would ever stand against him. It's not like you to want to make a scene." Pure shrugs "Didn't have to be that way. I wouldn't have broken his hand more than it already was." Ava laughs a little bit. "I'll admit that was kinda funny. Maybe could've gone without the bloodcurdling scream but eh nothing is perfect. He is such a pansy ass I swear. Don't worry about him trying to beat you up. He won't attack you directly. He's done it before he'll do it again. Just keep those close to you safe. He may be a little bitch but he isn't as dumb as acts." Pure nods "I'll keep my eyes open. Oh, Um it's 7:20 you might want to run to the bus to head off to the tech center." Ava whispers "shit" under her breath. "I'll see you Pure." Ava quickly hugs Pure and she runs off to the bus. Pure just laughs. "She is almost always late for that bus in the morning." Charity nods and hugs Pure resting her head on his shoulder. "Pure? Wanna go somewhere a little more private? I'm not a fan of people staring." Pure nods and they walk off to a more secluded part of the school and waited and talked until it was time for class. Pure and Charity walk to Charity's first hour. "Well, I'll see you after class. Oh, Pure?" Pure looks at her. "Yeah?" Charity wraps her arms around Pure's neck and kisses him firmly on the lips and he, of course, returns the kiss. "I love you Pure. I really do." Pure smiles while blushing "I love you too Charity. I mean every word I say when I say it." Charity smiles and they part ways and they head to their separate classes.

(Damn I didn't know this chapter was gonna take this long to make. This book is quite a whiles away from being done. Bear with me guys I'm trying my best to make content while having to prepare for exams. I'll see you guys hopefully soon in the next chapter Pure Placebo out!)

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