Chapter 2: The incident

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Third person POV (Yes I'm gonna start using povs.)

After 4th hour finished Pure was picking up his battered violin and guitar case Charity grabbed his book bag and slung it over his shoulder. "It's the least I can do to help." Pure smiles as he puts his guitar on his back. "Thanks, you've been very helpful and I really appreciate it." Charity smiles. "Hey, Charity do you wanna come to sit with me at lunch? There is always a free seat at my table with my friends." Charity blushes a tiny bit. "I would love to but I have to work on school work for my 3rd hour. English class is very pushy about their assignments." Pure nods in understanding. "Okay that's cool well I'll see you later Charity good luck." Pure and Charity go their separate paths.

Charity's Pov

Oh Pure, He is such a nice, cute guy. Wait did I just think he was cute again? I couldn't possibly have a crush on him, could I? Well, I got work to do that essay won't write itself. As I walked down the I noticed Pure's friend Ava was walking towards me? Why me? "Hey, Charity," Ava spoke to me. "Hey, Ava what's up?" Ava looks around. "Is Pure around?" I give her a questioning look. "No, he went to lunch with his friends. Why do you ask?" Ava looks frightful which is odd for her since she is a very tough girl. "I overheard Seth speaking to his douchebag friends saying they were gonna find Pure and kick his ass again. I just worry about him he's only human." I know Pure isn't just human and Ava is just protecting his secret. "Yeah but I'm sure if he'll be okay he wouldn't let them kick his ass so easily anymore." Ava gives me a questioning look. "What do you mean? Pure isn't a fighter." I just smile. "I'm sure he'll keep himself safe if you haven't figured out he only fights if he has something to protect. Like he was protecting you earlier today? He had a reason to fight. He'll protect the people if he has to." Ava nods "I just hope he'll be okay if it does happen."

"Well he'll be okay I know he will well I got school work to work on wanna come with? I would've asked Pure to come but I didn't want to bug him and his friends." Ava smiles "Sure I got nothing plan." Ava and I head off to near the C wing Amphitheater. I started working on my essay and Ava helped me since she is really good at writing. As lunch was getting close to ending I did eat my lunch as I wrote. 

A few dudes came up to me and Ava. "Hey, pretty ladies what are you doing here all alone? Seems like you could use some company." I was disgusted by how cocky they are. "No it's fine we're just working on school stuff we don't need your company." One of their faces changed from cocky to annoyed. "Come on it wouldn't hurt to have us hang with you for now." Ava speaks up "Dudes go away we don't need you here. We're perfectly fine on our own without your sorry asses trying to take advantage of us. Trust me I've seen your kind many times before." One smirks at Ava. "Oh, a wise one. You have a brain I'll give you that. But you'll regret turning us down." Their faces got menacing I'm no fighter and I've known Ava for a while and she can't fight very well but she does have a big attitude on her. There is like 3 of them I wish Pure was here to help us.

Pure's Pov

I just got done with lunch and Jacob and Collin was arguing over magic the gathering. I told them I'd see them later. I was walking down the hall by C wing. I was listening to the sounds of the school as I heard 2 familiar voices. Charity and Ava sounded like they were arguing with someone. I overheard a threat being thrown. I was just down the hallway. My enhanced ears do come in handy from time to time. I dropped my bag and instruments and ran down the hall. I looked through the doorway and saw this guy raising a fist to Charity. I don't know what came over me but my body acted on its own. It felt like anger and adrenaline rushing through my metal bones. "Stay away from them!" I yelled as my hand started to electrify I punched one of the guys into the stairway railing that was nearby. 

My vision started to get clearer my hand was sparking a tiny bit. "You'll pay for this man!" The other two started to try to punch me but I dodged them with some ease. I place my hand on the guy to my right's throat and pushed him down the stairs. The other guy takes me by surprise and punches me in the face. He kept his hand there but I just push my face back to where it was with a death glare in my eyes. "I suggest you leave now before you end up worse than them." He looks so frightened he runs off. I calm down quickly and I walk over to the dude by the stairway. I pick him up and I carry him to his buddy down the stairs who is laying down on the ground. "Now guys I much rather have this all go away so we don't get in trouble if you don't rat on me I won't rat on you. Deal?" They nod profusely and they drag themselves away.

 I head back up to Charity and Ava. Charity looked frightened by relieved that she was safe. "You guys okay?" Ava nods and Charity nods slowly she is still shaken by that. Again my body acted on its own. "Hey, Charity everything is okay. I was here wasn't I?" Charity nods and smiles. I hold out my arms they may be cold because they're metal but they are comforting to some. Charity blushes and she hugs me and I return the hug. I blushed a deeper red than Charity did but I enjoyed the hug. Ava smirks at me and I mouth to her. "Shut up" She chuckles a tiny bit. "Okay, you two we should just be glad it's over. Thanks, Pure you showed up at a good time." Charity and I part ways both blushing that we just hugged. "Its no problem at all Ava. I would do it every day to save the people I care about and l-love." Wait what did I just say? Did I just say I love Ava and C-Charity? Yeah, I love Ava as a best friend but I feel for Charity more than that. My human emotions are so confusing.

Charity's POV.

Did Pure say he loves us? He loves me? I didn't realize I was blushing until Pure was staring at me with the same amount of blush. I stare back then he breaks the stare and I turn away blushing more. "W-well thank you for s-saving us Pure. I was hoping you would show up. I knew you would protect us." Pure smiles at me. "I would do it every day if I had the opportunity." Ava nudges Pure and whispers something in his ear which made him blush. "That's up to her Ava it isn't up to me." I gave a questioning look. "What's going on?" Ava rolls her eyes as Pure remains silent. "If he won't ask I will. He wishes to protect you if you let him. He'll be your personal bodyguard."

 I blush and I consider this offer. Should I "hire" him? I wouldn't mind having him around during the school hours. He is a good guy willing to protect. I would love to get closer to him. Wait what am I thinking? but think this is a good idea. "You know what. I accept your offer I'll try to stay out of trouble for you Pure." Pure smiles "Thanks I promise I will not let you down." The bell then rang. "Well, we should head to class. Choir class is gonna be fun today." I nod to him. "Well, we'll see you around Ava good luck with the rest of the day." Ava smiles at Pure then smirk at me and nudge me and whisper to me. "Go get him Charity." I blush and I whisper back. "Thanks for the advice Ava." I hope Pure didn't hear that.

Third Person Pov

Ava says goodbye to her friends. Charity and Pure walk towards their choir room talking about everything that has happened during the day. They are about to enter Choir class and Pure faces Charity. "Hey, I got to put my instruments in my music locker see you in there?" Charity nods at him. "See you in a minute Pure." Charity walks into the classroom and is approached by her friend Joy. "Hey, I heard that a fight broke out and you were involved." Charity relays the story to her. "Oh wow, Pure did that? I'm surprised he doesn't seem to be the violent type." Charity nods as Pure enter the classroom and sit his bookbag near the mirror wall. Charity realizes she needs to sit her bag down she sat it next to Pure's since no other spot was open. Pure and Charity take their seats as class began.

(What's up guys Pure Placebo here. I brought you more of this realistic story with a fictional twist. Anything that seems extraordinary like mentioning the whole robot thing and stuff. I'll see y'all in the next chapter Pure Placebo Out!)

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