Chapter 4

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You and Chan finished up the dishes and you walked back into the living room. Hyunjin and Seungmin had walked back to their shared room, Minho and Jisung were still on the floor. You giggled as you saw Minho drape and arm over Jisung's waste in his sleep. Woojin had just woke up and was picking Jeongin up to put him in his own bed. Woojin bid you goodnight before heading to his own room. Changbin and Felix were gone, probably sleeping in their rooms. 

You decided to leave Jisung and Minho since they had already stayed up late and went to your room. 

You went to the bathroom and turned on the shower. You hopped in and began to wash your hair with the stuff Felix had bought you that day. You stood there letting the hot water run down your back as thoughts filled your mind. 

You thought back to the night Chan saved you, how he easily knocked the guy out. The change in his voice when he got around the other boys at the house. It was so strange. how someone could be a complete bad ass thug and then cook and care for a bunch of teen boys. 

You thought about them all laying together like it was normal. How they cuddled together like family. 

You thought about how Woojin had this motherly touch. The way he cared for the other members, how Jeongin just curled into his arms like a small baby. 

You thought about Felix. How much he went through. He didn't deserve that, you barely knew any of them but you could tell they were all sweet young boys. None of them should even be in a gang to begin with, most of them should be in high school. Felix seemed to be quite cold. His voice gave him that intimidating vibe anyway, you knew he had his reasons. They way he talked about the others, it was enough to tell you that he does care. 

It had been about ten minutes before you realized you were just standing there, finally finishing up your shower you stepped out onto the cold tile and dressed in some leggings and a shirt. You brushed through your hair as you walked over to your window. You saw Chan's hoodie laying next to one of the pillows. You picked it up. You placed over your body and pulled the hood up over your damp hair. You plugged you phone up to some earbuds and played some music. Recognizing the song you instantly started to dance to the choreography, it made you think about your friends back at the cafe. 

You all used to dance and sing while cleaning up the shop at the end of the night. It made you wonder what they would do about you not being there. You pulled your phone out of the hoodie pocket and realized it was at 2%. You went to click on your managers name and realized you didn't have any service. 

Sighing, you placed your phone down on your nightstand and plugged it into the charger. You heard a knock on the door and Woojin poked his head in. You waved your hand telling him to come in. He sat down on the edge of your bed and looked out the window.

"Sorry for having to keep you here." You looked at Woojin he had his head down, you went over and sat next to him. 

"It's nothing. My parents are not really around anymore and I was kind of struggling to get by. This is the best place I have lived in."

He looked at you a little confused, he thought for a moment before nodding his head in understanding. He smiled a bit before turning to you.

"Y/N I need your phone. We can't let you have any contact with anyone." 

"We can't risk someone tracking your phone"

You hesitated before grabbing your phone off the charger and handing to him.

"It's fine. I don't get out much anyway and I'm sure the girls wouldn't be that worried."

He nodded his head and gave you a smile, He got up and walked to the door.

"sleep well Y/n"

You walked back over to the bed and laid down to get some rest. Soon enough you fell asleep.

*Time skip to in the morning*

You sat up in your comfortable bed and put your slippers on. You threw your hair in a ponytail and headed to the living room. 

You saw Jisung sitting alone on the couch "watching" something, you could tell he wasn't interested because his eyes were near the bottom of the screen and he hasn't blinked in like a minute. Laughing a little you walked into the kitchen but didn't see anyone. Heading into the dining room you didn't see anyone there either. 

You walked back to the couch.

"Jisung where is everyone."

He looked at you with a smile but then went straight face

"They all had a job to do, someone called them for it."

"So why are you still here?"

"Because I didn't get much sleep last night and they didn't want to risk me passing out or not being able to think straight"

You nodded and turned to head into the kitchen for food. You opened the fridge and saw some eggs. You picked up the carton and sat it on the counter near the stove. You grabbed some bread and an avocado(Its an Avocado!!) You put four pieces of bread into the toaster. You grabbed a pan and cracked an egg. You began to fry the egg until it was cooked enough. The toast being done you put two pieces on a plate and spread some avocado on them. You put the cooked eggs on the toast and sat the plates on the counter. You thought for a moment before grabbing to glasses and opened the fridge. You finally found what you were looking for and poured it in the glasses. 

You walked over to Jisung and held one of the plates in front of him. He looked up at you and grinned really wide. Making his cheeks look more squirrel like, You pinched one of them and sat down next to him. You handed him one of the glasses too.


You laughed and continued to eat while watching whatever was on TV. You and Jisung made some stupid jokes and talked. When the two of you were done he helped you clean up the kitchen and plugged in a stereo. 

He blasted some music before the two of you heard Hard Cary by Got 7 come on. That was one of your favorite groups to listen to and apparently his as well. The two of you were dancing and singing in the living room. He rapped along with bambam, mark. and Jackson. Shocking you with his skills. This went on for about another hour and thirty minutes. The two of you flopped down on the couch tired from all the jumping around and dancing. He sat up and studied you for a moment. 

"Y/N, what did you do before you got here."

"All of it or just recently?"

"All of it. If you are living here for now we should probably know each other right." 

"You are part of the family pretty much"

You smiled when he called you family and took a deep breath before starting from the beginning. 

Please don't kill me. This is the end of the chapter. The next chapter is a whole backstory on your life. So don't get confused. I hope you liked this chapter and continue to enjoy this book. 

Bye Lovelies

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