Chapter 16

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Hi Hello- sorry for the tears shed to get to this point. It hurt me too. I can't believe ya'll thought I could actually kill him smh. Anyway no more tears.La la la la la la HAPPINESS! Red Velvet only makes bops! we stan. Anywaaayy all the ships in the chapter YAY!

Felix was sitting on the couch trying to tell Chan he was fine but he was insisting Seungmin ran a few more tests to be safe.

"I'm fine."

"Are you? Are you really?"



You shook your head along with Woojin. 

"I live with idiots."

You nodded in agreement. 

I'll just brush off the fact he implied I was also an idiot because it's Woojin.

At this point Jisung was basically just clinging onto Minho. Minho seemed completely bothered, while Jisung on the other hand was trying to get Minho to pay attention to him. Minho still continued to talk to Hyunjin and Changbin as normal and let Jisung cling to him.

You felt a pair of arms snake around your waist and a chin on your shoulder. You leaned into Chan and he held you tighter. He buried his face in your neck making you giggle slightly. You ruffled his curly hair. He peeked up at you and smiled softly in adoration. He leaned up and pecked your nose before scurrying into the kitchen. You saw Jisung and rolled your eyes. 

"Jisung-ah! Come here!"

He looked at you from his spot on the couch then at Minho, then back at you again. You gave him a stern mother look and he groaned and got off the couch. 


"Don't take that tone with me, I'm older than you."

He huffed and placed his hands on his hips waiting for what you had to say. 

You mocked him placing your hands on your hips as well making him laugh a little. 

"Let's go get food!"

You grabbed his wrist dragging him to the kitchen to see Chan pulling out a bag of doritos. 

You grabbed one and ruffled his fluffy hair once more, cause like that shit is the cutest. 

Jisung tried to grab one only to have his hand slapped away by Chan. He flinched and retracted his hand pouting. You laughed and gave Chan a small high five from below the counter. 

You poked Jisung's cheek and then pointed at the living room. 

"You are not doing to well squirrel boy."

His shoulders fell and he huffed. 

"I know..."

You mentally uwu'd at his cuteness and then stood proudly. 

"I got you fam!"

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