Chapter 7

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You felt something heavy one you and stirred awake.


You giggled at Jeongin and ruffled his hair and pushed him off of you. You sat up and he looked with with big eyes full of excitement. You got up out of your warm bed and slid into your slippers throwing your hair into a messy ponytail you stepped into the hallway with Jeongin. You saw Felix and Jisung talking on couch, Minho and Changbin were organizing presents under the tree, Hyunjin, Seungmin, Chan, and Woojin were not in sight. You waved to the 4 of them and stepped in the kitchen. You saw Chan desperately trying to teach Woojin how to cut an onion. You laughed at the sight and grabbed the knife out of Woojin's hand and placed it on the counter. He pouted at you but went to the living room with the others. Chan thanked you and got back to his cooking. You walked in the living room to see Hyunjin and Seungmin had made their way to the living room with everyone else. Felix and Jisung were busy playing some hand game on the floor. You walked over and sat next Jisung and you watched Jisung kept messing up the pattern. 

"Are you good at anything Ji"

Jisung glared at you and Felix laughed. Changbin came over and sat behind Felix resting his forehead in between his shoulder blades as he scrolled his phone. You eyed Changbin and sent him wink and he just rolled his eyes. Jisung and Felix played the game for a little while before the 4 of you smelled cookies and got up and ran to the kitchen. You saw Chan pulling out a tray full of fresh cookies and walked over to him. He smiled and shook his head. You pouted at him and he still said no. You stepped back and had an idea. You latched onto his arm and looked at him with your best puppy eyes. 

"Please Channie oppa."

He looked at you shocked for a bit before handing you one off the tray. You smiled evilly and sassy walked right past Changbin, Felix, and Jisung who had their jaws dropped. 

"I swear she is pure evil"

You laughed at Jisung and took a seat on the couch munching on your cookie. You saw Jeongin eyeing it and handed him the last bite and he smiled at you. 



Eventually Chan finished cooking and you all sat on the floor. Woojin passed out presents and you noticed how your stack seemed to be bigger and frowned. You didn't want them to spend all their money on you. You felt bad too because you just drew them stuff. You all played rock paper scissors and Jeongin one. You saw him open the glasses Hyunjin bought him and he put them on smiling. He looked so precious you wanted to poke his cute lil cheeks. Seungmin went next and Chan had made him a leather bracelet with Day6 carved into it. They continued opening, they said they all wanted to do your stuff last since you were the best for last. Finally Seungmin opened the hoodie Hyunjin got him and giggled with joy. He slipped it on and pulled over the sweater paws, you saw Hyunjin smile and blush slightly making you stifle a laugh. Finally they let you open yours. They got you some plushies and Chan had got you a matching gray hoodie to his since he saw how much you liked it. When you were doe opening Changbin piped up.

"Oh there is one more thing, it's from all of us."

Changbin went down the hall somewhere and walked back empty handed. You looked at him confused and he smiled. In came walked a small white puppy right behind Changbin. You squealed and the puppy ran right into your arms. You giggled as it licked your cheek. The other members smiled fondly at you and the puppy. Chan especially. He didn't know that someone could fall hard so quick. You met his eyes and he smiled at you, that smile you loved. You cuddled the puppy in your arms before you remembered you forgot to give them their drawings. You handed Jeongin the puppy and rushed to your room. You grabbed the stack of papers and walked back into the living room. You handed them out and finally handed Changbin his. He blushed and smiled shyly at you and you sat back down. 

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