Chapter 17

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Short chapter sorri :')

You woke up in your room to the sound of an excited Benji barking and giving you kisses. You giggled and scratched behind his ear and got up out of bed with a mumble of protest. 

"Why can't I just sleep the day away?"

You looked down at Benji

"I don't know why I'm asking you, you can't respond you don't even know what I'm saying."

Benji tilted his head at you but barked happily almost in reply.

You laughed and walked into the bathroom and turned on the shower. 


You walked over to your closet in a towel letting your hair air dry, you wouldn't be doing much today you assumed so you didn't bother much with your appearance. You threw on a large white t shirt and some comfy black shorts. You ran a brush through your hair and then picked up Benji. 

You walked down the hall to get to the food but stopped when you saw Chan's door wide open. You thought it was weird since he always kept it closed. You stepped forward to close it but you saw his favorite red hoodie sitting at the foot of his bed folded. You grabbed it and ran back out of the room closing the door behind you. 

You placed Benji on the couch and pulled on the large red hoodie. You pulled up the sweater paws and smiled getting up for a snack. You knew everyone was asleep cause Woojin had said to sleep in since it has been a while since everyone had a good sleep. 

You opened the fridge and saw some leftover waffles that Chan had made last night and grinned. You pulled out the container, and some strawberries. 

You placed a couple of the strawberries on a cutting board and grabbed a knife from the drawer You tried to be careful but you being you, you accidently cut your thumb. 

You flinched and retracted your hand from the cutting board. 

You felt someone gently grab your wrist and placed a small towel on the wound. You smiled at Chan and he continued to clean your thumb. 

"This is why I'm the only one who should be allowed in the kitchen"

"Yah, I just wanted some strawberries"

He chuckled and kissed your now clean wound and finished cutting the strawberries for you. 

(I just freaking giggled in the middle of history class help, it's a good thing people were talking.)

You blushed and hugged his waist from behind while he finished. You leaned your head in between his shoulder tiredly and he chuckled. 

"How are you still tired? You slept like 9 hours."

"Well yeah but-wait why are you up so early?"

"Couldn't sleep"

"awwww you need to sleep Chan, it's not healthy."

"I know, and thank you for caring, I'll be fine"

You just hugged him tighter and he chuckled and placed your now finished food on the counter. You let go of him and he whined, at the loss of contact. 

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