Chapter 6

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You woke up to the sound of people yelling in the house. You sat up in your bed and rubbed the sleepiness out of your eyes you looked over at your clock to see it was 7:30. Who the hell is up at this time. You threw the covers off and went to the bathroom. You cringed at the sight in the mirror and changed out of your sleep shorts and Chan's hoodie into some leggings and an over sized maroon sweater. You slipped on your slippers and decided to see what the commotion was about. As you entered the living room you saw fairy lights hung on the openings to each room. You looked over at the fire place and saw a few stockings hung, you noticed some more festive decorations around the house and smiled. 


You headed into the kitchen to see Seungmin and Jisung conga line dancing around the counter while Felix was sitting there with an un amused expression. You laughed at the sight before singing along from the entrance where you stood. Felix sent you a death glare and stood up. You ran out of the kitchen and ran right into Hyunjin, you hid behind his back and used him as a human shield. Felix ran out of the kitchen and saw you hiding and ran over.

"Leave me alone!"

"You think your funny y/n"


You peeked around Hyunjin


You sprinted to the backyard with Felix still chasing after you, You finally stood on the opposite side of the picnic table, you and Felix staring each other down. He raised an eyebrow at you and you finally took off back into the house. He ran after you again and you got to the door first and locked him outside. You danced around and laughed at him like a child. He pouted at you from outside.

"It's too cold Y/N"

You looked at him and pretended to think really hard for a moment. You stuck your tongue out at him and ran away from the door, you could hear him cursing at you. 

"WATCH THE LANGUAGE FELIX" You heard Chan yell from somewhere. You walked back into the kitchen and grabbed a water, you put a flavor in it and took a sip tired from all of the physical activity you just did. Jisung grabbed the water out of your hand and took a sip and made a face. 

"Who the fuck drinks grape ya nasty"

You laughed at him and walked into the living room where Woojin and Seungmin were talking. Seungmin waved you over and you sat on the couch next to him. 

"We were talking about getting the Christmas tree down from the attic. Do you want to help decorate it?"

You smiled and nodded at Seungmin and Woojin walked over to the lab area that disguises the entrance to the house. You saw Changbin walk in and he apparently noticed Felix still outside and laughed. 

"Bitch why you laughing? Let me in you dumbass."

"Now Felix that is no way to talk to your elders now is it." Changbin laughed. 

You got off the couch and walked to the door where Felix was standing. You unlocked the door and let him in, big mistake, He instantly ran after you. You grabbed Changbin and hid behind him like you did with Hyunjin earlier. Felix stopped and looked at Changbin pouting. Changbin looked at you and gave you a sympathetic look, "Changbin I swear to god-" He moved out of the way and Felix grabbed you as you tried to run. He picked you up around your waist and you struggled to get free. He threw you on the couch and laughed at you. When you were about to make a comeback Chan walked in and moved your hand down away from Felix's face. You looked at him and glared. He flashed you a smile and you stopped glaring and grabbed your water and took a sip. 

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