Chapter 19

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The end is near :')

Seungmin bounded down the stairs happily, with a wild Jeongin chasing behind him.

"Woah Seungmin what is it?"

"Ch-Chan-I -wow I'm out of breath- I found her!"


Seungmin and Chan ran out of the living room leaving a very confused Hyunjin. 

Seungmin hopped into his swivel chair and typed frantically. 


He pointed at an address on the screen smiling.

"She still lives in the same house?"

"I guess so"

"Alright then, We'll leave tonight"

"What are you gonna do to her?"

"I-I- we can turn her in to the police, we have Y/N to comply. Plus she's on drugs, and that alone is enough."

Seungmin nodded and plugged in a flash drive letting the address download onto his tablet.


You were playing with Benji when a wild Jisung appeared and he left you for him


Jisung picked up the fluffy doggy and walked away from you.

"uh rude"

You stood up and walked into the kitchen after Jisung who was looking through the fridge. 

"JIsung-ah give me my son back"

"I think he likes me more"

Jisung looked down at the dog, as if expected an answer, Benji let out an excited bark and you glared at him

"I thought you loved me"

"HAH! that's tough"

"Jisung I will not hesitate to tell Woojin on you and me and you both know how that ended last time"

"Please no"


Jisung covered your mouth with his hand

"Okay okay, fine."

He handed Benji to you and sulked back over to the fridge.

"Hey baby can I talk to you for a sec?"

You turned around to see Chan peeping in through the door.

You nodded and walked over to him an unreadable expression on his face

"Y/N w-we found her, and Seungmin has a plan to get go to her and call the police, we have you as a witness and victim, so she will be arrested. She also has drugs so that alone-"

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