Chapter 11 - "Wait, why did your dumbass self land all the way over there!"

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They were all quiet for the way, so far. She felt weird about the silence. It was almost uncomfortable. She began to wonder what the others were doing? What had happened to them. It low-key worried her.

It seemed that Bucky was thinking the exact same thing as her. "What's gonna happen to your friends?" Bucky asked Steve from beside her, she was thankful the silence had been destroyed by him.

Steve was silent for a moment, thinking about them, about his friends who had his back like Bucky and Felicia, he sighed deeply. "Whatever it is, I'll deal with it." Steve told him.

"I'll help!" Felicia shrugged with a small smirk evident on her face.

"I don't know if I'm worth all this, Steve!" Bucky said to his old war friend, making Felicia furrow her brows.

"What you did all those years, it wasn't you. You didn't have a choice!" Steve assured him, trying to make him feel better.

Though she doubted that it would work, that her agree with him. After all, he had killed lots of people.

"I know. But I did it." Bucky said and she noted that he looked disgusted and horrified with himself. She guessed she should say something to try and comfort him, though she wasn't very good at comforting people.

"The past doesn't define who you are, only the future does!" She told him as she took off her mask and placed it on her lap.

He looked at her and sent her a slight smile of appreciation that she was trying to make him feel better about his crimes and all the killing he did while he was the Winter Soldier. He didn't know how to respond so he just shook his head at her.


Steve told them they were getting closer and it'd be best if they started to get ready for what's to come ahead of them, within the next 20 minutes or so, maybe more. She didn't know.

She stood up and put her mask on her face and walked over to where it said 'Romanoff', she pulled out two hand guns and stuffed them into her boots, with her own knives.

She grabbed two knives and put one up each of her sleeves. She grabbed another four and put slipped them through her belt, along with her whip and grappling hook. She grabbed another and slipped it through her messy bun, keeping it up in place. She picked on last knife up and slipped it in her top.

She then grabbed some ammo and slipped it into a thigh holster she had round her left thigh.

"How do yo even fit that many weapons on you? Do you even know how to use them?" Steve asked her.

"My father taught me how to use almost every weapon before he died!" She told him. "As for hiding them, I have two friends who helped me with that!"

"Why do you wear a mask?" Bucky asked her as he walked past her to get a gun too.

She swung 'Maximoff' open. "To hide my identity. If I didn't commit crimes I would go without a mask, if I was in the early adulthood life stage, I wouldn't wear one. But I'm in school, so I wear one!" She explained to him as she pulled on some red leather fingerless gloves.

The three of them stood there and watched as the door opened for them. "You remember that time we had to ride back from Rockaway Beach in the back of that freezer truck?" Steve asked his friend and war buddy as he looked last Felicia at Bucky.

"Was that the time we used our train money to buy hot dogs?" Bucky asked him as they both thought about the past, reminiscing in the past they both unexpectedly left.

"You blew three bucks trying to win that stuffed bear for a redhead." Steve reminded him.

"What was her name again?" Bucky asked curiously, tilting his head slightly to the left.

"Dolores. You called her Dot!" Steve told him with a small smile.

"She's got to be a hundred years old right now." Bucky said.

"So are we, pal!" Steve told him.

"No shit Sherlock!" Felicia scoffed with a mutter.

"What did you say, Felicity?" Steve asked with a raised brow as he looked from Bucky to Felicia. Bucky also looking at her with a small smile.


They walked through the cold snow and the bitter wind. "Can we hurry up? I'm going to die of Hypothermia before we even get to the doors!" She told them.

"Oh, stop being so dramatic!" Steve commented as she shivered slightly.

"You know there are three stages of Hypothermia. The first stage includes; shivering and reduced circulation. Which by the way, I am shivering. The second stage includes; slow or weak pulse, slowed breathing, lack of co-ordination, irritability, confusion and sleepy behaviour. The advanced stage includes; slow, weak or absent respiration and pulse and loss of consciousness." She told him.

"Stop going all intelligent on us!" Bucky told her with an eye roll.

"I can't help it, it's something to keep my mind off of, dying of Hypothermia!" She told him.

"Anything else interesting you can tell us?" Bucky asked sarcastically.

"I know you're being sarcastic, but I'm gonna keep on doing it to keep me distracted!" She told him with a sweet smile.

"Here we go!" He muttered to himself.

"Well, did you know that there is enough DNA in the human body to stretch from the sun to Pluto and back, 17 times." She explained to them both.

"Pluto?" Bucky asked.

"You know, the furthest away well known planet. It's freezing and a dwarf planet!" She told him.

He nodded, though she got the hint that he didn't really understand. "Anything else you have in that head of yours?" Steve asked as they all walked, Felicia shivering.

"Well, the only letter that doesn't appear in the periodic table is J! Bananas are radioactive!" She said with a shivery shrug.

"How on earth are Bananas radioactive?" Bucky asked her with a raised brow.

"Well, bananas contain potassium and potassium decays. Making it slightly radioactive. It's nothing that alarming, as you'd need to eat like, 10,000,000 bananas at once to die of radiation poisoning!" She explained to them. Then in the distance she saw where they were headed and she sighed in relief.

"And I see where we are headed!" She told them pointing over to it.

"Is that door open?" Steve asked squinting.

"Yeah, it's open." She nodded. "Probably that weirdo guy that Wanda and Sam told me about!" She shrugged.

"Who?" Steve asked.

"I don't know, I can't remember what they called him. Definitely something starting with a Z, I think!" She shrugged as they all hurried on over to where they had to be. "Wait, why did your dumbass self land all the way over there?"

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