This was before I started my dream diary but last year I had this dream where my dad had a accident at work and had to stay in hospital, something happened to the international space station and then something big happened that required me to use my survival bag and we were both crying because dad was still in the hospital. As I was getting the stuff together I remembered that a coat I had ordered hadn't arrived which was a problem as it was the most important part of my mythical bag.
Now my dad has had a really bad accident that will require him to stay in the hospital and I ordered the coat before realizing it was the same one.
Now I have a problem. I can ether post this assuming that because the other 2 things came true the rest will and if my feeling on the dream is wrong then I will probably be blamed for "trying to start another storm drama" which I don't want and if my feeling on the dream is right then I could be faced with a "Let's blame Cassandra!" thing which I want even less.
Sometimes prophetic dreams can be a royal pain when deciding whether to tell anyone or not.
I'm going to post this with a disclaimer that I have no idea myself if the rest of the dream is going to come true or not.