Chapter 1

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The comforts of home never leave you. Even when being cat-napped.

Of course, it's a bit hard to remember that when you are being catnapped. Right of the streets as well.

It's not my fault I fell-well, it sort of is but still. It shouldn't warrant a sequestering by people carrying syringes and bags. Uncle Ben probably would be disappointed. Whether in them or me is under revision.

But staying in an apartment in a mouse-infested city can give any respectable cat a case of cabin fever.

There was one right outside the window, and it was taunting me. Aunt May and Uncle Ben, my only impulse control, were sleeping, and the window was loose, so it was ridiculously easy to slip out.

Once I was out, I thought I would just chase around a mouse or seven before going back to the apartment. But of course, the thugs had other plans.

They came when I was scrambling around in the cans after a pigeon. I didn't notice them, which would have earned me a good talking to from Aunt May if she was there. Sadly, she wasn't. You never get on the wrong side of Aunt May, so she would have been able to beat the men easily.

But no. She wasn't there and I was being an idiot. Usual Purrker Luck.

The pigeon was wary, but unaware of my position. Now that I think about it, it was very still. Almost like it was a trained dog. But I'm pretty sure people don't train pigeons anymore as this is the 21st century not the 17th.

The thugs dragged me by my tail into the light and they quickly surrounded me. I was trying to escape, but was relying more on my instincts than I probably should have. The thugs had no trouble getting me into a bag that smelled like ether. I kept struggling but my adrenaline wore off quickly and I dropped quickly into unconsciousness. I just hope I got a scratch on one of them.

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