Chapter 4

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Sleep is terrible. Especially when you have insomniac tendencies. When you are currently sleeping, the only bad thing is that you're vulnerable. But then you wake up, and you didn't get enough rest. So you either can go back to sleep, or at least try, or stay up and just be more sleep deprived throughout the day. And for insomniacs, you know that that may be the closest you get to normalcy and not constantly drained.

It's really just a factor of the system to try and get you to be more complacent.

The kidnappers know this. And they take full advantage of it.

Sure, they let you sleep. But then they took you while you were sleeping to be tested, ripped apart and put back together, until you were a perfect little toy.

Well that's in the movies.

And here.

I mean, most people wouldn't expect to wake up tied to a table with scientists hovering around you, dressed to the nines in cliche after cliche.

And then, of course, comes the 'medication'. Also known as torturous experimentation im sure qualifies as animal cruelty. I wish I had a lawyer. Maybe the owners know of one, Aunt May said that she used to live by this place called Nelson and Murdock, maybe that has lawyers.

I'm getting off topic aren't I.

Or was I just distracted?

Oh and there's the kicker. The scientists have finally stopped talking and decided to just run with their 'research'. And I'm the subject. Great. Pain is existance. Beauty is Pain. Im going to be fabulous, if thats the case.

My best guess of what happened is that the scientists injected something into me while I was musing. Whatever it was, it hurt like heck. Imagine being flayed alive while hand sanitizer is poured over your wounds. Then mutliply that by 5. There's your approximation. I hope to never go through that again.

Of course, considering I'm now an 'experiment', my choice doesn't matter, does it.

I've heard of pain being so bad you black out, but I don't think that covers it. It's more of a... jump off a tree into a pond. Uncomfortable, but a choice. And sometimes you get pushed by the wind.

Hey look at me I should go into philosophy!

When I wake- no that's not that accurate- when I am forced awake by the bell, I can feel myself back in the cell. But its so much more uncomfortable. As soon as I open my eyes, I feel blinded. The light is so bright. Who decided to turn them on this morning/afternoon/time?

They're jerks.

And then I actually take in my surroundings through squinted eyes and closed ears. It barely helps, but a little is better than nothing when it feels like your senses are dialed up to eleven.

The cage is the same, but has a towel on the floor. And-joy of joys!- the towel has rust-colored splotches on it. Wonder who decorated?

I first think I imagine the bangs and snarls. I mean, how can I hear them when there's an bell right in my ear shrieking and I've just woken up? But I still hear it, and it only grows louder once the bell shuts off (I can only assume that it happens because every subject is awake). I try to look through my cage door, but don't see anything. No other subject is reacting, though, so it must just be me.

And then, of course, the doors slam open and a human carrying a cage with a- I suppose dark form would be the best description- dark form in it thats twisting and shrieking. Every once in a while it bangs it's head into the walls, which of course doesnt stop it.

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