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We are the packs of Honolulu, Hawaii. On our island there are rain-forests that we run in and cliffs we jump off of into the gorgeously warm water. The forest is our training grounds. In the very heart of the forest is a great big open patch of grass and throughout the whole green canopy is a challenging high ropes course. We also have an amazing zip line that goes down a mountain and through the forest. This  is the only time you feel like bird-shifters.

Almost every animal has "shifters". There are (of course) wolf-shifters, bird-shifters, lion-shifters, bat-shifters, cat-shifters, and bear-shifters. In 1847 the king of bear-shifters declared war on the clan of monkey-shifters. The bears won and the monkey-shifters don't exist anymore.

It is a rumour that bat-shifters are Vampires but I doubt it.


Right now Caleb is taking me to the training forests boxing arena. (The boxing arena is the circle in the middle of the forest.) He wants me to initiate training in wolf form. Yet again I was in some old sweats and an old tank top, but this time I remembered not to wear my favourite black sports bra. We brought blankets as well.

When we reached the arena I took a leap forward and transformed in the middle of it. When I looked around I found Caleb staring at me in disbelief. Only the best wolf-shifters could do that! He crouched and I heard bones cracking and snapping as he shifted. There we stood, best friends ready to pounce on each other.

I snarled and started circling. He made the first move. I sprang to the side as he landed in the place I was in just seconds ago. I raced forward and jumped but this time he dodged, fast enough to get on top of me. I landed on my back and kicked with all my force, sending him into a tree. I sprang up and stalked over to the place he lay, wincing when I saw his back in a weird position. It's a good thing us wolves heal quickly!

After an amazing training session we were both exhausted.  We headed back to the pack house after shifting into human form and wrapping up into blankets.

Silence✔️: Book 1 In The Moon SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now