Year 2 part 1

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One wouldn't notice her unless they were really looking and yet...many people believed her out of place, so in a way, she was the same as him. In fact, if it hadn't been for the night by the lake second year, he likely never would have known she existed.


"Ow! S-Stop...s-stop!" the group was inching her closer and closer to the edge of the lake, the smaller girl using her wand to deflect what spells she was able, some getting past and lashing her skin. Laughter followed her pleas of mercy.

"She wants us to stop. Why don't we show the little mud-blood where her kind belong?" Another set of spells and soon all she felt was cold as she sank below the surface, some invisible force holding her just under the surface until suddenly it wasn't. she felt a pair of arms wrap around her waist and drag her back to the surface, her vision clouded and splotchy.

"A-Are yo-you okay?!" she coughed and spluttered, trying to answer him but she was dreadfully water-logged and cold. She felt the person roll her onto her side so she'd have an easier time, even lightly patting her back to help dislodge the left over water burning in her lungs.

"I-I'm sorry...y-you m-must be f-freezing." Once she was able to speak she looked at who had saved her.

"Y-You sh-sh-should have let m-me drown..." the boy looked stunned, looking through a shock of reddish blond hair his green eyes spared her a sympathetic look.

"Wh-Why would I d-do that?" she had to be freezing, what could he do to warm her up...he had to think of something.

"L-Let's get y-you to the h-hospital wing." He was surprised she didn't put up a fight when he helped lift her to her feet.

"They...they'll just d-do it again..." he stopped, tilting his head to look down at her, noticing the color of the inside of her robes he was slightly surprised, they were in the same house, but he had never taken notice of her.

"D-Do you h-have a name?" suddenly her head tilted upwards and he was startled by very different colored eyes staring back at him.

"Y-You want to k-know my name?" Newt nodded, intrigued by her eyes.

"Anna, Anna Carrio..." She averted her eyes to the ground as he rushed them through the grounds. Once finally inside he took a chance to get a good look at her, her brown hair was a wet, curly mop right now and clung to her pale face, her cheeks were a rosy color due to the cold autumn air outside.

"R-right, the h-hospital wing." The two Hufflepuff's walked in silence for a while until Anna spoke.

"Thank you..." She kept her eyes downcast, as if the stone tiling was the most fascinating thing in the world.

"Why...Why did th-they call you a m-mud-blood?"

"My parents, they're muggles..." that explained it, not many inside the walls of Hogwarts were friendly to muggle born students, mainly because they weren't common.

"Oh, wh-where are my manners. I'm N-Newton, Newton Scamander." She still didn't look up, "Y-You know...I've always b-been fascinated b-by muggles." Still no response.

"I really like's less—" she trailed off in her words, seeming to have warmed up by the lack of stuttering, he wondered if she was just unsure of the word to use.

"Mundane." The door of the infirmary was before them.

"Well, I-I'll j-just..."

"Thank you..." if they hadn't been the only two in the corridor, he'd have missed her words of gratitude entirely. No one had ever thanked him for anything before so he was a bit unsure of how to respond.

Beauty and the Beast Master. (Newt Scamander X Original Female character)Where stories live. Discover now