Year 5 end

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"Close your eyes." Anna rose her eye brow at him, "Newt, I've been in your trunk several times now, I've seen everything in here."

"Not...everything. Watch your step." Christmas had once again fallen at Hogwarts and, in her opinion, he had been disturbingly secretive the last month.

"Can you tell me anything?"

"Nope, not a thing." She sighed, keeping her eyes closed as he led her about the inside of the enchanted trunk. Warmth danced on her skin as they finally stopped walking.

"Open!" he sounded like an excited child which only made the Hufflepuff girl gasp before smiling. Staring in awe, before her was a small enclosure with a rather large array of wild flowers like the ones on a postcard she had in one of her journals, a miniature copy of the same river running through the center.

"Newt..." she turned around to face him, tears in her eyes. "You didn't need to do this."

"Merry Christmas, Anna." Turning back to the flower filled field she looked down, sheepishly.

"What? What is it?"

"My gift isn't all that great but..." Newt watched as she fished something out of her bag, "I found it in Madame Malkin's back in July." She turned, showing him the scarf, in the bottom right corner were his initials in cerulean thread, he remembered her talking about how she was terrible with muggle needlework, but it looked like she had tried, that explained all the bandages on her fingers the last few weeks.

"It's wonderful, Anna." He took the scarf gently, their fingers brushing over one another as he draped it around his neck, making sure that his initials faced forward.

"I love it."

"I picked it because I know you love to go wander about the grounds, this way you always have something to keep you warm." She quickly quieted, realizing how corny she sounded.

"I chose this for you because you said you wanted to visit the places on your post cards." They'd made it tradition to tell one another why they chose that specific gift.

"We both gifted each other something to do with warmth." A grin broke out onto their faces, soon followed by laughter.

"Well, they do say great minds think alike." He ushered her into the enclosure where the two sat talking well into the night.

"I don't know about you, but I'm exhausted."

"I'll go see if the others are asleep." Newt stood, leaving her in the flower filled meadow, the brunette laid back in the tall grass, she never did see him come back, or the smile as he draped a blanket over her, falling asleep in his trunk was becoming a habit for her. Moving a strand of hair out of her face he laid down next to her and drifted off himself.


"There you two are, I haven't seen you all year." Anna jumped as Leta stepped up behind them in the great hall.

"5th year has been a mess, Sorry Leta." Neither of them had seen hide nor hair of the Slytherin all year either.

"Our OW.L.'s are coming up soon, how are your studies?" Anna grinned, "I really think I'm going to ace my charms exam, and maybe transfigurations. I know Newt will pass his Care of magical Creatures exam, he's a the Hufflepuff Beast Master." The sandy haired boy lowered his head, hiding a blush that spread across his face.

"Always the modest one, Eh, Newt?" she teased, nudging his leg under the table, he looked up, "So, Leta. How has your correspondence with Big brother Scamander been going?" the dark-skinned girl nudged her friend.

Beauty and the Beast Master. (Newt Scamander X Original Female character)Where stories live. Discover now