Going home.

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Anna watched the rain fall in heavy drops over the city's expanse, the muggles rushing about to get to shelter.

"Anna?" She turned her attention to Newt as he stepped up next to her, Queenie reached out, grabbing onto Jacobs suit jacket.

"Queenie, hey. This is for the best, yeah, I mean, I was...I was never even supposed to be here." His voice cracked, causing Anna's eyes to fall to the floor once more, "I was never even supposed to know...an-any of this. Everybody knows, Newt only kept me around because—" The plump man let his eyes rest on the suitcase toting wizard.

"Hey, Newt, why did you keep me around?"

"Because I like you, 'cause you're my friend. And I'll never forget how you helped me, Jacob." Tears welled in the mans eyes at Newt's kind words.

"Oh..." Queenie climbed the rest of the stairs, "I'll come with you, we'll go somewhere, we'll go anywhere!" Jacob let out a soft chuckle, Anna watched with sad eyes, even she knew it wasn't possible for them to be together, not here...

"See, I ain't never gonna find anyone like you."

"There's loads like me."

"No, No. there's only one like you."

"I gotta go..." the four watched as he stepped out into the rain, a question nagging at the back of her mind.

"It's okay. it's okay...it's okay. It's just like waking up, right?"

Why did people get hurt when she was in their vicinity? She watched him step backwards...inching further and further away as the rain washed over him, Queenie stepped out, her wand help upwards, a simple shielding charm preventing the rain from touching her as she gave Jacob a chaste kiss before they apparated away.


Tina and queenie had put them both up for the night and they'd be heading home in the morning, newt having finished the job he'd come to do in America.

"Newt?" He looked up from his work station, "Why do bad things happen to good people? Am I just bad luck...am I...evil?"

"Where is all this coming from?" Anna had finally changed out of her extremely over worn outfit, now wearing Newts old school robes, she'd actually been surprised they fit her, considering how much taller he was than her, although...the sweater was a bit big, hanging just slightly off her shoulder.

"Anna, Sit down." She obliged his order, pulling up the stool in the corner.

"Anna, you are the least evil person I know. Where is this all coming from?"

"I'm his sister..." His mind trailed back to the subway tunnel, to Grindelwald's last words to her before they escorted him to a prison cell.

"He's the worst kind of evil, and I share his blood." She felt his finger tilt her chin up so she was looking at him.

"Look at me. You are not evil, don't think that for even one minute. You are the kindest, most caring witch I know. If you were evil you never would have tried to protect Credence the way you did, you wouldn't have run all over New York city helping me find my creatures, even though you had no idea who I was. Evil people don't help others, they only help themselves."

His thumb brushed a stray tear from her cheek, "Anna Elizabeth Carrio, you are living proof that family does not define you. Even if they weren't supportive of your magic, you proved them wrong and you got your parents to accept you without resorting to violence. There's no one I'm more proud to know, than you."

Beauty and the Beast Master. (Newt Scamander X Original Female character)Where stories live. Discover now