Year 4 part 2

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Excitement filled the great hall on this windy night of September, it was the night they'd find out who each champion was.

"I bet it'll be one of the older kids, they have more experience."

"Yeah, but younger students will be more resourceful because of that lack of magical knowledge." Leta rolled her eyes.

"I wonder how many put their names in." Newt muttered as he turned his eyes towards the front, the flaming goblet sat on the podium, the flames a brilliant blue situated in rather large brass goblet, he figured the name was supposed to be straight forward.

"Plus, with it only being fourth year and up, that's only three years worth of students, so odds will increase."

Things quieted as Headmaster Black stepped to the podium, a semblance of a smile on his face.

"It is time for the goblet to choose our three champions, know that it is an honor to be chosen for these tasks and the goblet never chooses one who cannot handle the trials. Each champion shall be chosen if a band in your house color or school color appears around your wrist, best of luck to you who entered your names. Now, let us find out who our champions are, please stand if a wrist band appears." The goblet's fire shot up and students waited on bated breath for the first student to stand up, it was a boy from Castelobruxo who stood first, his left wrist raised in the air to display a bright green band on his right wrist. Headmaster black handed the paper down to Benedita Dourado.

"The champion of Castelobruxo..." she opened the folded piece of parchment, "Sixth year student, Kain Sousa!" there was a look of pride in both the headmistress and the student's eyes. Castelobruxo student erupted in cheers

"Champions, please remain on your feet until your other competitors reveal themselves." Suddenly the goblet roared to life again, another torn piece of parchment shot up and drifted into awaiting hands as eyes scanned the crowds to see who the next champion was. A pale hand reached into the air, all eyes on the fair woman, Esther Whiteacre, the headmistress of Ilvermorny school.

All eyes were scanning the Ilvermorny students to see who would stand up, suddenly a girl with ginger colored hair stood, her left wrist in the air, decorated with a red and blue striped band.

"The champion from Ilvermorny..." Esther looked down at the paper with a smile, "Seventh Year, Sarah Hale!" it was Ilvermorny's turn to cheer, Sarah looked around sheepishly but kept her head held high.

The goblet roared to life one last time, Headmaster black catching the final piece of parchment, the hall fell into hushed whispers and Anna's eyes looked around before a sudden thud startled her.

"Newt?" her concern soon grew into worry as she saw his wrist on the table, Newt had been chosen as the champion. He was going to be up against a witch and wizard with far more experience than himself.

"Hey, come on, stand up!" he looked at her with uncertainty, "Newton Scamander, if you don't stand up, I'll make you stand up." He quirked a brow at her, "And how are you going to do that?" suddenly she pinched him in the back of the neck and pulled upwards. He stood quickly.

"OW! Okay, I'm up!" he quickly rose his wrist in the air.

"Our Hogwarts Champion, Ladies and Gentlemen..." Headmaster Black unfolded the paper and read the name off, Newt quickly kicked Anna's leg under the table, "Fourth year from Hufflepuff House, Newton Scamander!" Hogwarts students erupted in cheers, Anna clapped him on the back.

"We have our champions!" Headmaster black called from the front of the great hall. "Now, enjoy your feast. Champions, when you are finished report to the trophy room for your first clue to your task." With that the hall once again filled the voices of students.

Beauty and the Beast Master. (Newt Scamander X Original Female character)Where stories live. Discover now