Popping Blood.

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The day drew longer as we both sat there listening to the kidnapping report. I was surprised that no police or SWAT came to get me. They must know that Gavin isn't a threat to me. Maybe they are outside, but they are trying to think of why they shouldn't break the door down. My head starts to think of the most insane out comes of this. My eyes look slowly to the door almost like I was expecting a foot crashing through the door. Seeing a white haired android with a brown hair android, that towers over me. Making me feel helpless and in danger. Yet it made me question why they had something different than the monsters I saw.

"What are you thinking about?" Gavin finally broke the silence between us.

"Why they are attached yet they do something to me like that?"

"You act like they are human. They are made not to become deviant. SO if they are doing this they must have something wrong in their plastic head." Gavin seemed to have more bad disrespectful language when it comes to androids.

"I guess. "

Once I finally felt my body relax a knock comes from Gavin's door. It was really hard which made my hair stand on end. I turn my entire body towards the door staring at it. Did the station finally come here? Would they even be ready to kick down the door?

As this all was flying through my head Gavin got up and picked up his pistol. He slowly moved towards the door. He tried looking through the peep hole, but he seemed to be struggling. It must have been covered. He waited for a bit listening closely to whoever was on the other side.

"Detective Reed open the door. We want to check on Y/N and discuss how we are going to make this seem like all a mistake. " It was a familiar android voice.

"Is Hank with you Connor? Did Fowler tell you to come and get us? Did you tell him that you wanted me to check on her? " Gavin asked still holding his pistol, but his guard was lowering.

"I am here Gavin. Fowler told us what happened right after we got back from our case. We explained to him what happened and he wanted us to talk to you. Just open the door so we can help you. Even if you fucking made a dumb, but smart decision. " Hank spoke up so then I can even hear him.

"Okay just give me a second. I need to unlock the door. " Gavin knew something I didn't or didn't remember. He put the small chain on the door making it somewhat locked.

Gavin kept his gun out and motioned me to get down low. I did so and kneel on the floor looking at the door. I could barely see just right above Gavin's head. I hear the click of the lock and the screech of the door handle turning. As a small peak of light came in the door was shoved with so much force that the chain breaks off. Gavin stumbles back probably getting hit by the door. I watch as the familiar white and brown hair androids force their way in. Nines slams Gavin to the wall harshly having a bit of a struggle till Gavin fell to the ground not moving.

"Oh Y/N~. We came to get you and take you home. We need to finish our deal~. Oh Nines wanted to join in if that was alright for you. " 1K's voice spoke up as it was switching from Hank's voice.

I shiver and realize what they did. I stood up shaking, but trying to act tuff. They both look at me like I was their next meal. It made me even more scared. I looked pass them and saw a unconscious Hank. Then further down a struggling Connor. I grit my teeth as I was filling with anger. I look down at Gavin and about to loose it. He was out, but had a huge bruise on his face from the door or the struggle.

"Y/N run! " Connor yelled through the door as he crawled over to Hank.

"I knew I should have just turned you off. " Nines said as he walked towards Connor.

"Don't fucking touch him you monsters! " I scream at them. They both looked at me a bit shaken by this comment.

"Monsters? " Nines started to walk over to me with a bit of anger. He took me by the hair and threw me to the ground. I yelp in pain as I hit the ground. "If we were real monsters we would have just killed them then raped you here. " His lips turned into a smirk. "Maybe we should play around. 1K! Get the old man and Detective Reed into the bathroom. Make sure they are tied up and locked in there."

Without saying a word he follows Nines orders. Walking out the door and picking up Hank. Connor tried to stop him, but weakly grabbed his pant leg. He kept on walking, actually dragging Connor in through the door till he had to pick up Gavin. Once he picked Gavin up and hanging him over his shoulder, Connor let go in defeat. 1K continued his orders and walked to the bathroom. Nines walked over to Connor chuckling.

"You must really care about the old man and Y/N. We won't hurt the old man." He smirks and drags Connor over to me. I look at hims scared and worried.

I didn't notice till now that his body was covered his blue blood. He lay on his back looking up at the ceiling. His LED flashing red as he was in pain or fear. "What did you do to him?"

"Nothing, but a simple wire disconnected. He will live, but is very weak, tired, in pain, and he can't move his legs. The only thing that could help him protect you." Connor glared at Nines with hate.

"Fix him....please." I start to beg not wanting my best friend to be in pain.

"Only if you agree to come back with us. We can call it all off, leave them here, and have a little fun."

"....This was all your plan..." I start to realize why everything was off.

The sudden knock out of Nines. The change in 1K's attitude when I cried and in the bathrooms when he was looking for me. It made sense now. Nine was behind this all. Talking to 1K, ordering him, and convincing him to help. A broken android partnered with the best android so far made. This was for him to not be sent back for having something wrong. This was his plan all along.

"You are right. I have always bin in charge of that brainless machine. All the words he said were words that I filled in his head. The sudden attraction to you was never there. That was all me. " Nines picked Connor up by his neck. "They are all so fragile when they become deviant. Especially this one." Connor grit his teeth and tried to swing at him, but with quick moves he pinned to the ground. Connor face smashed against the carpet . "I wonder if this android has felt love before. Maybe we can see." Nines forced Connor's pants down making me jump towards them, but get pulled back by my hair.

"AH!" I fall back against a chest. Like metal bars a arm wraps around my torso tightly. I could feel my blood boiling from all the anger that was coming out of me. "Don't touch him with your filthy hands!" I struggle but the grip around my hair tightened and pulled my head back making me gasp in pain. I look up into neon blue eyes that seemed lifeless.

"1K, let her watch me. If we get a good respond I will tell you to let go of her hair." Nines smirked as he was unzipping his pants and pulling his boxers down. In the process he pulled Connor's boxers down as well making him have his ass in the air.

"Don't you fucking dare..."I cry out trembling. I didn't want to watch this. I didn't want this to happen at all. I can't let this happen.

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