Bad Guy

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After a long ride and passing through security you finally made it to Cyberlife. You heart was slightly racing and something in you started to fear this place. You try to calm yourself, but it was hard since you started to shake with anxiety.

"They told me that he should be done. That he would be waiting by the doors for us. " The police officer stated.

You nod, looking out the window hoping to get a glance of him. You felt strangely scared. You had a feeling that maybe they changed him or just gave you a new partner. You were nervous, but took a breath and calmed yourself. You were safe and for him to sacrifice his life for you was a nice this to do. He has changed. Now you hope he would be the same.

The car stopped and you look out the window. You only see white since there was a bright light shining into the window. You move over once a figure steps closer to the car. You wait as the door opens blinding you more. You close you eyes as the car moves slightly with the weight added to the back. The door shut and the car started moving. Your eyes we're still close trying to stop the bright shine from making your sight worst. You open your eyes slowly just in time to feel the soft pressure of lips against yours. Your eyes just in line of RK1K. His eyes making your entire body flare up as you pull away quickly with a blush scattering across your face.

"Why did-" You tried to speak, but he only moved closer and held the back of your neck to trap you in another kiss.

The officer only clapped and whistled at us. Your face bright red and your body almost wanting this. You try to push him away, but he only grew closer. After a minute he pulled away to only lean close to your ear and whisper softly.

"I am glad you are safe Y/N." He then embraces you tightly and you finally melt into his arms. Glad that he protected you.

"Now you two can't be having fun back there. I prefer if you waited till I took you two home to have your fun in a more comfortable manner. " The officer teases and 1K only chuckled.

"We will officer. " He sat back in his seat allowing you to sit back as well.

The ride home was quiet, but comforting as you tried to think over the bad encounter with that man, but the good feeling of being with 1K almost envelopes you. You wanted to know everything that had happened. How did he block the door and how be had the strength to move you from the dresser to the bed while you were connected to your computer. You look at him. He seemed to be resting since his eyes were closed. You saw his hand was on the seat palm up. Feeling a bit odd about the entire thing you slide your hand onto his and intertwine your fingers with his. You looked out the window before he could see your face still red. A gentle squeeze confirms that he can feel your hand in his. His hand was cold till it started to grow warmer. You couldn't tell if it was you making the heat or him. Either way it made you feel even more comfortable with him.

It wasn't long till the car stop and the officer unlocked the doors. 1k got out before you could say anything. You look at the officer ready to tell her something, but she cuts you off with holding up her hand. Making you understand that she wanted you to enjoy the rest of your day with 1k and that tomorrow she will come get you. You get out and walk over to 1k who was waiting for you. He took your hand again before leading you into the building. Heading for your floor and apartment. As you both grew nearer you could tell that someone had fixed the door. Since it was close and a letter was in between the door and door frame. You hurry to get there first as you take the note. You open it and look at the note. It was explaining as the DPD had paid for the damage within the apartment. That even they cleaned up the big mess. Attached inside was a key to the new door. You open the door to see that everything looked like how it was before, but clean and new. With a sigh of relief you walk to the couch and sit down to relax.

"Tell me what happened 1K. Please. " You lay your head back and looked at him. Resting your hands on your stomach.

"Are you sure you want to hear it or would you like to see it? " He asks kindly as he takes a seat next to you.

"I want to see. " You blurt out not even thinking about it.

He moved putting his legs on the couch. He tap the spot between them for you to move to. You turn your back to him and move between his legs. Resting your legs as well on the couch. He moved your hair out of the way as he traced your neck with his hands as the synthetic skin pulls back. He presses the back of your neck to open the panel. He rested his free hand on your waist. He slowly enters two fingers into your neck. Moving some wires that make your body tremble and spread goosebumps all over you. You were looking forward till he connected to you making your sight go away and almost turns your sight into a movie. Transferring his memory over to you to see. Letting your body fall back against him as he holds you gently. Letting you see what went down.

1k was fighting the man in black on the ground as he watched you run away. Being distracted for the moment the man flipped 1k over and used his brief case to bash his head. Making his loose sight for just a moment. Yet that was enough for him to escape and follow you. 1k got to his feet and stumbled as errors pop in front of his vision. He stumbled a bit till he saw the man breaking down the door. 1k shook his head as he ran over to the man just as the door opened. He tackled him to the ground and punched him. Sending a message to the DPD that he needs back up. While keeping the man down he heard a crash. Making him run into the apartment. 1k ran to your bedroom and saw that a different man in black was trying to open your door. 1k moved him out of the way and blocked the door. The man attacked him with a knife. Stabbing him in the side to weaken him more. Getting the knife out of his hand 1k lands a couple of punches till the other man shows up. Having two men on him was just as hard. Causing 1K to press his body against the door to block them from getting in. More Errors pop in front of his vision. Some saying to back away while some told him to keep you safe. It was getting close that 1K was slowly shutting down from all the stabs and punches. That was when he heard the sirens. The two men stop and ran away from the scene. 1K opened the door letting his blood cover half of the door and floor around the door. He moved to the dresser knowing that you like to hide there. He opened it and picked you up carefully along with the laptop. He moved you to the bed and set you down gently. His sight bluring from the lost of thirium. He smiled and leaned down to give you a light kiss on your forehead.

"I will protect you Y/N. Even if it means I will be deactivated. " He whispered before walking slump over.

He turned the corner before coming face to face with a police officer. 1K told them he would explain on the way to cyberlife. He was ready to shut down and didn't want to loose his memory. The scene slowly fading from your sight and you were back.

You looked up at him as his fingers were still in the back of your neck as he had a small smile on his face. He started to remove his fingers till he hit a wire which made you let out a soft moan. Embarrassed you cover your mouth. He only laughed and pulled his fingers out. He help close the panel and sit you up.

"Thank you for saving me 1K." You tell him after uncovering your mouth.

"Like I said. I will always protect you. " He leaned close and kissed your cheek gently.

You blushed, but smiled feeling something in your chest heat up a bit. As a thank you, you quickly kissed his cheek back. You gave him a close eyes smile as he looked at you slightly bewildered. Yet his expression soften to a smile as well.

"Thank you Y/N."

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