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My eyes open with a blur. I see a outline of a body. My eyes slowly go back to normal to see a bloody Connor hanging from the ceiling. His neck broken by the rope tied around his neck. My start to shakes as tears fill my eyes and roll down my cheeks. I scream out as I back up off of the couch. I scratch my head making blood drip onto the carpet. I back up still screaming, but now for Connor. I feel legs hit my back. I was going to look up, but something fell into my lap. It was the head of Gavin. His eyes were ripped out and his mouth was still spilling blood. It was getting all over me as I scream again. I throw the head off of me and get up running to the kitchen. I lean against the counter seeing the bloody mess before me.

I felt something sharp go through my hand pinning me to the counter. I look at it and it was a knife made entirely out of the same type of metal that is made for androids. I tried screaming out in pain, but the entire world went silent. I kept trying to scream and yell for help, but it was all gone. I try to get the knife out,  but it was kept in by a invisible force.  I didn't know what to do till something started pulling me away.  The knife ripping through my skin and my fingers as my hand comes loose.  I finally could hear myself. I look around as I hold my bleeding hand. 

"Oh my god. " I started to hyperventilate.

I feel a cold hand turn me around and pin me to the wall.  There stood Nines dead,  but moving. 

"You miss me~" He said glitched. "I missed you and that beautiful face. " He pulled my hair making my legs buckle.  I kneel before him as blue blood flows onto me. 

I gasp and start trembling.  I was ready to cry and scream for help.  It was so terrifying.  He then pulls my hair back making my mouth open as the blood flows into my mouth.  I slowly drown in blood as he leaned down and kissed me.  Making me chock and gag.

"Now you will be mine forever. " He said as he watch my eyes roll back.  With one last push I gargle for help.  Yet nothing happened.

I sat up quickly knocking heads with someone.  I fall back on the couch wincing.  "Ow! "I rub my head as my eyes were closed from the pain. A cold hand moves my hands away and let's the cold help with the pain.  I take a breath and relax.  My eyes flutter open to see RK1K.  My eyes open wide and I push his hand away. 

" How the hell did you find my house!?!?  Also why are you here!?! " I was backing off the couch.  I fall down on the ground with a thud.

"I was told to go straight here.  I found your address from your many online buying spree from last week. " He said plainly and had his normal deep voice. 

"D-Do you still remember? "

"I don't remember anything.  I was told that I had been defective and needed to be restarted."

"Alright.... "

All that I could think about as the dream and now the soon to come nightmare before me.  I just prey that it won't be as bad as before.


I am sorry for the Super late update. I just got stuck and then didn't think this chapter wasn't good enough,  but then I saw that you guys wanted more.  Also I really do need help please.  So sorry again and sorry for the shortness.  Next one will hopefully be longer.

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