5 months later..

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A/n: I'll put - - when someone is using sign language, for example; -Hey Shouko- I will use ' ' for thoughts, for example; 'I wonder where she's going..' I hope that makes sense! Anyways, enjoy the story!
3rd person pov

It was precicely 5 months after the festival.

After Shoya finally faced his fears.

All the X's fell.

He isn't scared anymore.

Shouya POV

Its been around 5 months since the festival, and things are finally going right. Everyone finally is on good terms with me. Well, not everyone. Kazuki and Hirose aren't the nicest but they aren't that bad. Even though I thanked them for saving my life, they still aren't on my good side. Today's a Saturday and I'm with Shouko, Tomohiro, Yuzuru, and Sahara. Ueno, Toshi, and Kawai couldn't come.

"Shoya! Come on!" Yuzuru ordered. I just then realized I was about 10 feet behind them.

"O..Oh! I'm coming!" I say, catching up to them.

-Are you alright Shoya?- Shouko signed to me.

-Yeah, I'm fine. Don't worry about it.- I sign back.

We continue walking and eventually reach our desitination. The park. They are having some kind of party today, sinse its Christmas Eve. I'm planning to ask Shouko to go somewhere with me tomorrow. I'm actually planning to confess..I still don't know what Shouko was  saying that one day. It sounded like moon so I assumed that's what she said.. but I'm not sure. I just hope she accepts my feelings.

"Shoya! What's wrong? You keep spacing out." Tomohiro asks.

"Nothing's wrong..I'm just thinking.." I say.

-Hey, Shouko? Would you maybe hang out with me tomorrow?- I sign to her.

-I don't know, I have to ask my mom.- She signs back to me, with a small smile. She gets her phone out. She types something then waits. Then her eyes suddenly light up and she looks at me with a big smile.

-She said yes!- She signed to me. I  smiled and nodded happily.

Yuzuru POV:

I look and see what Shoya and Shouko are signing to each other. Apparently, they are hanging out tomorrow. They look so cute together! I really ship them.

"Are you guys going to go alone or are we coming?" I ask Shoya.

"Well.." He starts to whisper,"I'm confessing tomorrow..so alone.." He tells me.

"Oooh? Realllly?" I ask.

"Y..yeah.." He confirms, Blushing slightly.

-Shoya? Are you okay? Your red. Do you have a fever?- She signs, getting extremely close to his face. He blushes like CRAZY. Everyone sees how red he is and start giggling slightly.

"Aww! Shoya has a girlfrienddd!" Tomoshiro exclaims.

"S..She is not!!" Shoya claims.

"Not yet..ehehe.." I mutter.

"Ladies and gentleman! I welcome you to our Christmas Festival! Everyone please take a seat!" Someone announces.

"O..oh! W..well It's starting!Let's go sit down!" Shoya exclaims, running to sit somewhere. He was obviously trying to get away from the situation. We all followed and sat down. Tomohiro sat by Shoya, Shoya sat by Shouko, I sat by Shouko on the other side of her, and Sahara sat by me.

"Now let's get this thing started!"
I made this because I was bored, so sorry if it's cringey. I'll update probably in a couple of days, maybe tomorrow. If I made any grammar mistakes, sorry.

Word count:


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