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Shouko POV:

The festival ended, it was pretty fun. Its around 4 so it's time to go home. Everyone, except my sister of course, waves bye and leaves. Me and Yuzuru walk home.  I go inside and go onto the balcony. I look down into the pond. Sometimes I hate that pond. That's the pond Shoya almost died in.. I can't help but blame myself for it. If I hadn't tried to jump, he wouldn't have saved me and fell instead. Ueno is right. It shouldve been me. It's not like I want to kill myself now though! My life right now is good. I hope it stays that way. There's just one thing I'm worried about.. Shoya explained how Kazuki and Hirose turned on him when I left and that he got bullied. Kazuki and Hirose still don't like him much, so I'm kind of worried about that. I go to my room and lay on my bed. I'm bored, so I text Shoya.

Shouko: Hi Shoya, I'm bored

Shoya: Hey Shouko. Me too.

Shouko: So.. about tomorrow. What are we gonna do?

Shoya: Hmm.. actually, I haven't even thought of that..

Shouko: Maybe we could..hmm..

Shoya: Oh! We could go to the square! They are having a light show, and there are a bunch of shops close to the square we can go too.

Shouko: Sounds good to me! Anyways, how are things between you, Kazuki, and Hirose..?

Shoya: ....

Shoya: Well..they still don't like me..

Shouko: Well I like you!

Shoya: I mean I don't blame them. After all, I was a huge idiot during elementary school.

Shouko: But Shoya, you weren't the only one who was bullying me. It was them too.

Shoya: But I was the worst. So I'm sorry.

Shouko: No need to apologise, I have already forgiven you. However, I don't forgive Kazuki and Hirose. Ecspecially Kazuki

Shoya: Anyways, let's talk about something else.

Shouko: Do you like anime?

Shoya: Yeah it's pretty cool

Shouko: I like the animes My Hero Academia, Blue Exorcist, Seraph of the end, Sword art online, and many others

Shoya: I like all of those too.

Me and Shoya kept texting and texting and it felt like hours. My sister came and signed that supper is done so I told Shoya I had to go. I got up and went into the kitchen. We were having Sukiyaki. It's pretty good. We ate and then it was time for a shower then bed. I like going to sleep early because I like getting lots of sleep. I go take a shower, get my PJ's on, brush my teeth and hair, then go to my room. I look at my phone and it's 7:46. I text Shoya. We talk for around an hour. I tell him goodnight then put my phone up. I'm so excited for tomorrow! And..well there's something I'm gonna tell Shoya. My sister told me he has something to tell me as well. I hope it's nothing bad. I quiet my thoughts as I shut my eyes and drift off to sleep.

Word count:

A Silent Voice - After story - Shouko X ShoyaWhere stories live. Discover now