Christmas Disaster

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Shoya POV:

I wake up to my alarm. It's 8:01. I get up, and walk downstairs. "Sho-sho!!" My little sister, Maria, says running up to me.

"Hey Maria." I say, patting her head.

"Its Christmas!! Come on!" She exclaims, running to our Christmas tree. I just told my mom I want money, but I have no idea what Maria got.

"Mariw, let's eat then you can open presents." I tell her.

"Okay, Sho-sho!" She says, sitting down at our table. I do the same.

"Breakfast is almost done!" My mom claims.

"Alright." I say as she finishes breakfast. She finishes and sets it on the table.

"Its nothing TOO fancy, but it still tastes good." She says. I try it, it's so good!

"Wow mom! This is so good!" I say with my mouth full.

"Mhmm!" Maria agrees, also with her mouth full. I finish eating, and so does Maria. I check the time and it's 8:38. I was supposed to be meeting Shouko at 11, so I have a little more then 2 hours. My mom goes ahead and gives me money, we aren't rich but we aren't poor so I get 3000 Yen.

"I'm gonna go take a shower, Maria can open her presents now though." I tell her.

"Okay. Maria! Time to open presents!" She says, going to Maria. I go get my clothes, and as I'm about to walk into the bathroom I hear;

"Wow!! This is awesome! Thanks mommy!" I smile slightly, then go and take my shower. After I'm done I brush my teeth, then I get my phone and look at the time. It's 9:03. I have around 2 hours now. What am I supposed to do..well, I am a bit tired so I'll take a nap. I go to my room and set my alarm to wake me up at 10:35, I hope it wakes me up. I go to sleep.

I wake up, but not to my alarm clock. I look at my alarm and see that it's already 10:51! 'Crap! I need to go!' I thought,  getting up quickly. I quickly brush my hair, and run downstairs.

''I gotta go mom! Bye! I'll be back by 8:00!" I yell quickly, running out the door. As I'm running, I check the time and it's 10:55. I might get there on time. I'm so busy running, that I don't even notice it's snowing. And how cold it is. I reach the square and look at my phone. 10:59. Right on time. I search around for a few seconds, then I see Shouko sitting down. I walk over there and sit by her. She seems to have a sweater on, no jackert, but she looks okay. I, on the other hand, have a jacket on.

-Jeez, I had to run here. I took a nap and when I woke up it was 10:51. I thought for sure I would be late.- I sign to her.

-Well, I just got here a couple of minutes ago, I thought I would be late- She tells me. what we can do today.. the light show starts at 6:00 and ends at 8:00..I mean, we could go to stores. Plus, I have my Christmas money so we could to eat somewhere. Oh! I completely forgot!!! Im gonna confess today! I really hope she accepts.

-Well, let's go to some stores now.- I sign, getting up. She nods, and we start walking. We walk for a few minutes til we finally a store. We go in.

-Shoya, I forgot to bring my money- she signs with a frown.

-Dont worry I have some.- I sign

-But it's yours, I don't want you to spend it on me- She signs.

-Its fine, go pick something out. Anything. It can be from the price of 2500 yen and below.- I sign.

-2500..? That's a bit much..- She signs

-Its fine!- I sign. -Go pick anything out, I'll wait here.- I sign, and she nods and looks around. A couple of minutes later she comes up to me.

-Is this okay..?- She signs, then she holds up a necklace.

-Its 2350-

-Yeah that's fine!- I sign.

I buy it, and we head out. I look at the time and it's 11:07. Jeez, what are we supposed to do for the next 7 hours!? I guess we could..well we could..I mean, we could take a nap? I'll ask.

-Hey, we have 7 hours til the light show, wanna take a nap?- I sign.

-Sure, but where?- She signs.

-We could..on a bench?- I sign.

-That works- She signs, as we walk to the square and sit on a bench. It's not really comfortable, but I manage to fall asleep.

*Time skip: 6 hours and 45 minutes later*

3rd person:

Shouko woke up before Shoya, she looks over at him to him sleeping. She smiles slightly. She gets a text from Yuzuru.

Yuzuru: How's it going?

Shouko: Fine, Shoya let me buy this pretty necklace. Hes sleeping right now.

Yuzuru: Sooo, when will you admit that you like him?

Shouko: I don't!

Yuzuru: Well, if I tell you how Shoya feels about you, will you tell me how you feel?

Shouko: I guess..

Yuzuru: The truth is..

Yuzuru: He's planning to confess today.

Shouko: What?! Really?

Yuzuru: Yup. Told me yesterday.

Shouko: Are you kidding? Is he seriously?!

Yuzuru: Yesss!

Shouko: Ok..I do like him.

Yuzuru: Good! Also, if  he decides to be a wimp and not confess, do it for him, k?

Shouko: Okay..

Yuzuru: Well, seeya later.

She looks at the time again and it's 5:53. She turns to wake up Shoya. She gently shakes him, and he slowly opens his eyes.

Shoya POV:

I slowly open my eyes. I rub my eyes and look beside me and see Shouko. I look on my phone and it's 5:54. We have 6 minutes. Me and Shouko just talk until it starts.

Suddenly, all the street lights turn off. It would almost be pitch black but the light from the moon and stars, and phones, is still there. Then the show starts.

The show was great! It was so pretty. I checked the time ago n and it's 7:46. Guess we can't go eat. I stand up, Shouko does as well.

-Ill walk you home- I sign.

-Ok.- She signs back. We start walking but it gets colder.

-Is it just me, or is it getting colder?- I sign.

-Its definitely getting colder..- She signs. Then, suddenly the snow starts coming down faster. Really fast. Almost to where you can't see. It's coming down hard. Almost like a..snow storm.. I look over and see Shouko shivering. I'm freezing, but I take my jacket off and give it to her. Its FREEZING. I have a long sleeve sweater on, but its really thin.

-Shoya, you'll get sick!- She signs with a concerned expression.

-Dont worry, I'll be fine.- I sign.

-But Shoya!-

-Ill be fine!-

-Okay..- She signs, as we start to run to her house. After a few minutes, we reach her house. Oh crap! I forgot! I was supposed to confess! I guess I'll wait for another time..

-Well, I'll see you at school tomorrow.- I sign. She doesn't reply. Instead, she says something. She doesn't sign it. She says it. It was fuzzy, but I know what she said..

            "Shoya..I love you.."

Word count:

A Silent Voice - After story - Shouko X ShoyaWhere stories live. Discover now