Chapter 6

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shoya's POV

After a few classes, it was time for lunch. I walked outside and sat on a bench, and just watched people play on the sports field. After a few minutes, Sahara and Shouko joined me.

-Hey Shoya.- She signed to me and sat down. I just smiled. Sahara sat on the other side of Shouko. We all are together and watched the other students for a while. Closer to the end of lunch, Ueno walked over to us.

"Hey Shoya." She looked down at me.

"What do you want?" I ask. She rolled her eyes.

"I'm just saying hi, don't be so rude." She glances at Shouko and waved a little. Shouko smiled.

"Well, I'll see you guys in class later. Bye." She walked away. I looked at her curiously for a second, before turning back to Shouko and Sahara.

-That was odd.- I signed. Sahara nodded.

-I think she was trying to be nicer.- Shouko signed, smiling. Sahara shrugged, but I was still suspicious.

After lunch, it was time for our next class.

I sat in my seat. Shouko was in front of me, Sahara was beside Shouko, Ueno was beside me, then Kazuki was behind me.

Class was boring, as usual.
Around 30 minutes went by when suddenly we heard the intercom come on.

TW: School Lockdown [Active shooter]

"This is a lockdown. This is not a drill, stay quiet and get into your positions."
Everyone in the class looked frightened. Our teacher quickly hurried everyone into the corner of the room before locking the door and turning the lights off.

It was completely silent for a while, when suddenly we heard loud footsteps running in the hallway. We all tensed up.

The footsteps stopped in front of the door. Suddenly, there was loud banging on the door. Shouko, who was beside me, starting to cry so I quietly gave her a hug. She cried silently into my chest.

After a bit, the banging stopped. I guess the person got bored. We all sighed in relief.

That relief turned to immediate fear when the window on the door shattered. A hand reached inside and attempted to unlock the door. Kazuki stood up. Everyone looked up at him confused, while our teacher looked angry.

Finally the door busted open. Kazuki quickly grabbed a chair and threw it the man. Although it did hit him and proceeded to knock him out, the man had gotten a chance to shoot. He had shot Kazuki in the stomach. Kazuki fell to the ground. Just then, police sirens and ambulances were loud outside.

Our teacher rushed over to Kazuki, attempting to stop the blood from pouring out.

Everyone just watched, terrified. At this point, most of the class was sobbing.

Soon, police men came inside the room with guns. They looked at the ground to see the man and immediately apprehended him. Soon after, Doctors with a stretcher came in and put Kazuki on it and took him away. Shouko was sobbing even more, so I hugged her tightly.

I thought back to Kazuki. I mean, I'm not the biggest fan of him but I hope he'll be alright.

Okay I'm gonna stop there because I have major writers block 😭 every time I try to write now my mind just goes blank idk what to write lol. I started writing this chapter in MAY dude

If anyone has any ideas or suggestions for this story, please do tell, I need help lol

Also APPARENTLY my last chapter was in February of 2019 WHICH I DID NOT REALIZE IT HAD BEEN 2 YEARS OKAY? MY BAD

And I decided to update today since tomorrow is my birthday 🥳 AUGUST 9TH I TURN 14 WOOHOO 🎉

All I gotta say is follow my Instagram, tovid_art
I regret making that name now since it rhymes with covid but we don't have to talk about that 😃


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2021 ⏰

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