Back to school

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Shoya POV

I woke up, and my head is throbbing. I guess im still sick. I cough loudly, and I guess my mom heard or something because she yelled,"Shoya?! Are you okay??" I was too busy coughing to respond. I heard footsteps quickly coming upstairs. "Shoya?Are you okay?" My mom asks. "Yeah I guess. My head and throat hurt." I say. "Okay, I'll go get you some cough syrup and ibuprofen." She says, walking downstairs. A few moments later, she comes back up. She HANDS me a spoon with cough syrup, and I drink it. I scrunch my nose in disgust. Cough syrup is gross. She then hands me a pill and a drink. I swallow the pill while taking a drink. "Now Rest Shoya! Shouko said she's gonna come visit you after school." My mom tells me, as she goes back downstairs. I lay my head back down and close my eyes.

I wake up to a knock on our door. Probably Shouko. I hear voices for a sec, then footsteps coming up here. "Shoya!" Shouko signs, as she runs up to me. " Are you feeling better?" She signs. "Well after the medicine, I feel better." I sign. " Good! I hope you can maybe come to school next week." She signs. "I probably will." I sign. "Good!"

1 week later

'I can finally come to school today' I thought as I get up. I get ready and everything then I look at the time. It's 7:45. I don't have much time to eat so I'll just go without breakfast. I walk into the kitchen."I'm not gonna eat today, okay?" I say as I'm walking out the door. I get on my bike and ride to school. This year, me and Shouko are in most of the same classes. Sadly, I have classes with Ueno and Kazuki..I know Kazuki saved me that one time, but he still doesn't like me
much. And Ueno, I HATE her. She's mean to Shouko. I park my bike and walk in. I see Sahara and shouko, so I walk over to them. "Hey Shouko." I sign. "Hey Sahara." I say. We talk for a few, then I realize Tomohiro isn't here. I guess he's sick or he's late. We part ways and go to class. I sit down and class starts. A few minutes i feel a paper ball hit me in the back of my head. I quickly turn around and Kazuki quickly turns his head away. I glare at him and he sticks his tongue out at me. This is going to be a long day.

Sorry I didn't update! I was procrastinating a lot. I'm sorry it's short. And question:

Can I make Shouko get surgery to not be deaf anymore? It would be a lot easier.

Word count:

A Silent Voice - After story - Shouko X ShoyaWhere stories live. Discover now