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Shouko POV:

I close my eyes tight, expecting to be rejected. But.. that doesn't happen.

   "Wait... really?" He signs. I nod.

He doesn't respond. Instead, he gently places his lips on mine. (If this happened in the movie I would physically die IM FANGIRLING ON MEH OWN STORY OuO) Just then, I hear a click. Like the sound of a camera. I stop the kiss and look over at my house and see my sister.

"Hehe..I'm gonna show mom this!" She signed, running inside.

"Oh crap! Gotta go! I'll see you tomorrow okay?!" I signed quickly to Shoya running inside to get to Yuzuru before she shows mom.

Shoya's POV:

'I just kissed Shouko! And she likes me! This was the best Christmas ever!!' I thought, happily walking home. I was so busy thinking about Shouko, that I don't realize how cold it really is. I forgot to get my jacket back! Well...I should be fine. Hopefully. Once I reach home, I'm freezing and I don't feel good. Did I really get sick? I knock on my door quickly, because I start getting light-headed. My sister opens the door, and she looks at me.

"Shoya!!" She yells, giving me a hug. I hug her lightly but then push her away gently.

"Don't get too close, I think I'm sick." I tell her.

"Aw..okay.." She says. "Sho-sho is home!!" She then yells, I'm guessing to my mom. My mom comes downstairs and looks at me concerned.

"What are you wearing? Where's your jacket?" She asks.

"Oh..I gave it to Shouko and forgot to take it back.." I say getting a bit dizzy.

"Are you sick? You don't look good.." She asks.

"Yeah..I think so.." I say.

"Let me feel your head." She orders, coming up to me. She feels my head.

"Jeez! Your head is really hot!" She says. "Go rest, it's too late to take you to the hospital, I can take you tomorrow morning." She says. I nod, and go to my room and lay down. I quickly fall asleep.
      *Time skip: The next day*
Shoya POV

I wake up to my mom lightly shaking me. She then feels my head.

"Jeez..your even worse! We need to go to the hospital now." She orders. Get ready, I'll be downstairs!" She says, walking downstairs. I get up and get dressed, and I brush my hair and teeth. I can just take a shower when I get home. I start to go downstairs, but I feel light-headed again. I stopped and gripped the railing tightly. I slowly start to walk downstairs. I'm about halfway when I get dizzy and my stomach and head start to ache. I stumble a bit, and I accidentally fall downstairs. It wasn't that high, but it still hurt. My mom comes running to me.

"Shoya! Are you alright?!" She asks.

"Y..yeah.." I say, slowly getting up.  

"Are you sure??'' she asks.

"Yeah..I'm fine.." I reasure her. She nods a bit reasuringly, as we walk outside to the car. We get in and she drives me and Maria to the hospital. Once we get there, we get out and go inside. Me and Maria sit down while my mom goes to the check in desk. After a minute, she comes back and sits down. We only wait around 1-2 minutes before getting called. The doctor does stuff like check my height and weight, then we go to the room and I sit down on the bed. He checks my tempature.

"103.8..jeez.." He says. He does lots of other stuff, then he leaves. We wait a few minutes before he comes back.

"Okay..he seems to have a pretty bad flu." He says.

"Oh jeez.." My mom says. After them talking a bit and getting my medicine, we go home. She gives me medicine and tells me to go rest. I go to my room and get on my phone. Its a school day, but its only 6:37. I text Shouko.

Shoya: Hey, I can't go to school today. And probably not all week

Shouko: What? why?

Shoya: I have a bad flu

Shouko: See! I told you!

Shoya: Yeah but I didn't want you to get sick..

Shouko: Sometimes your too nice.

Shoya: Well I gotta go, my mom said I need to rest.

Shouko: Okay, bye Shoya.

Shoya: Bye

I put my phone on a table beside me then I cover up with a warm blanket. It takes a few minutes, but I finally get to sleep.

Word count:

A Silent Voice - After story - Shouko X ShoyaWhere stories live. Discover now