The Life Left Behind

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He'd forgotten what home felt like.

The hot summers and mild winters. The radiant sun and the shimmering moon with its beautiful sunsets and sunrises. The vast landscapes, mountains and valleys alike with their unparalleled beauty. The sprawling cities with their shining yellow lights and towering skyscrapers, and the quaint towns and suburbs that sprouted around every city.

Echo Creek.

That quiet little suburb that he'd known his entire life, filled with all his childhood memories and cherished moments. It was the only thing that felt familiar, warm and welcoming. Rising from bed in the morning each day in that same street to loving and caring parents. Going to the academy each day with his small bunch of close friends. Spending hours out in the park or wandering the winding streets and bustling downtown of his hometown. This life was all he'd ever known. Nothing more, nothing less.

And for the longest time, it seemed that life was all he'd ever know. That he'd live an easy and simple existence, with its share of victories and downfalls, happiness and sadness. But life had other plans. Star popped into his life and just like that, his direction changed in an instant. Certainty was thrown out the window. She brought color into his world, a new perspective that revitalized everything. For once, risks were taken. He'd never had so much fun in his life.

He'd often been told he was too mature for his age. That he had to enjoy his adolescence while it lasted and not take things so seriously while he still didn't have to. Star showed him exactly how to do so, even if going too far at times. She taught him how to stop worrying, to put his concerns aside and just go with it. He'd realized there was so much more to living than just playing it safe and conforming.

She was his first true best friend, the only person he could truly confide in and trust, the only person he felt at ease with. So many amazing things happened when Star was around. More friends were made, more places went to, more adventures and thrills endured.

So when she left Earth just as abruptly as she'd entered it...

He couldn't help but feel his entire world crashing down in an instant. As if everything she'd brought into his life would disappear with her absence and cause him to be relegated back to the old days. He'd be alone again. He'd be cast back into his old life, full of dullness and endless angst that would be ever strengthened knowing that there could be more, knowing that he'd had lived more than just that before.

Maybe that's why he did it. Maybe that's why he found it in himself to leave this world behind and jump into hers. Maybe that's why he lost care for his friends or his loving family on Earth.

Some voice in his head said that life without Star was not worth living... So he'd convinced himself to go. To go without a second thought and never look back again to a world that seemed to offer him nothing. He'd sacrifice everything he'd ever come to know just to be with her.

He'd sacrifice his dignity and his pride multiple times over, he'd give up his happiness and his well-being just for her. He'd been relegated to the role of squire, been neglected as a friend for the longest time, and overall, endured plenty, all for one person. Looking back at it, he obviously had long-established feelings for her. Maybe not fully understood yet, but clearly there. No normal person would go through so much for one friend.


So much for that...

Now he was here. Spread across his bed stuck in thoughts. Feeling an ache for home that wouldn't go away.

It was December on Earth. A month full of cheer and sheer happiness, a time to be surrounded by family and those you love. Full of warmth and belonging. Christmas was supposed to be the best time of the year.

But to him, it was the exact opposite now.

Because for him, December was a reminder of what he'd left behind.

Of his mom and dad, who he'd so easily forgotten and never kept in touch with. Their warm hugs and their endearing words, their endless encouragement and understanding, all things he'd come to forget in the past few months. His baby brother would only come to know him as some invisible sibling. His older friends, Ferguson and Alfonso, Jackie and (reluctantly) Janna, all distant memories and neglected friends of his.

Of the simpler times, where everything was certain and nothing was dangerous. Where there was structure to his days and no death struggles to endure.

Of the comforts of Earth. Electricity and technology. Running water and warm showers. Food that isn't made solely out of corn. Cars and planes. The modern buildings and the sprawling cities. The repetitiveness of the day and the comfort of order.

Marco was out of place here. And there was no shortage of reminders of that fact.

Even today, there would be times he'd instinctively try to flick on some nonexistent lightswitch or check his pocket for a nonexistent phone.

There'd be nights where he'd look up at the sky, expecting to see a single moon, shining down calmly at him. Instead, he'd end up seeing three planets (or moons?), locked in orbit with the planet whether it be day or night.

The people especially took note of his foreign origins. He'd always be ignored by people here, who'd refuse to acknowledge him or his achievements. Especially around nobles, he'd find people looking down upon him as if he was some inferior being unworthy of basic decency or respect.

With each new day, it was starting to feel as if Star alone wasn't enough of a reason to just stay in Mewni. That there was more to living than just being attached to one person and blindly following them. And now, more than ever with no serious enemies or problems to distract from his own personal problems anymore, Marco couldn't help but ask himself at times...

Was it worth it?

Was it worth abandoning everything just for Star? Everything was so complicated now. It could have been easy and simple.

Often a debate would spark in his head. Often the debate ended in favor of, "Yes. It was worth it." Here was a world of adventure and endless opportunity. A place where he wouldn't be known as that safe kid who lived a dull life and could instead take an active role in making an entire nation a better place. Here he'd found new friends, a new life that's better than that of home.

But even then, there were always days where he'd ache for the comfort of Earth. For his family's loving embrace and the familiarity of his house.

Earth was his birthplace. His true home.

Part of him longed to return there.

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