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The gravel crunched below him as he walked. His steps quietly echoed through the air, slightly disturbing the sounds of crickets and wildlife mixed in with one another. The faint light of the moon was gently guiding him, brightening the way to his home. A sense of familiarity and warmth grasped his mind as he approached his destination.

The same old streets stared him down. The exact roads and the same buildings, the same people and the same surroundings. Shops and sights, paths and trails, friends and neighbors, all the same, if only a bit older. He knew this place well.

It was home, after all.

It is home, after all.

Here he was at peace. In tune with his surroundings and without conflict to distract him. There was no other place he could be like this. The cool air was nice and relaxing, the scenery was fresh and vibrant, and the time was inconsequential. This place was where he belonged. There was no doubt.

His house came into view, and he could only smile to himself and sigh contentedly. It seemed unusual, surreal even, to feel like this. He'd lived here for fourteen years. He'd walked through this town and slept in that same house for what seemed like forever. Nothing was different about this place than when he'd last seen it a few days back.

But only now had he noticed the comforting ambiance. The calm breeze and the rustling trees, the nocturnal animals and the crisp air, and maybe most importantly, the tranquility and peacefulness which emanated from all around him.

Everything around him seemed to have new life around it as if he'd never seen this place before. He felt confident and assured, eager and excited, calm and prepared, all at once.

So much he had forgotten here on his journey. So many things had he taken for granted here. He approached the front door, entering without much of a fuss to be greeted by sleeping puppies and gentle silence. Quietly, he beheld the sight in front of him and began heading upstairs, sure to walk slowly in order to not wake them.

He passed the green sofa and television, reminded of hours spent with family and Star alike either watching sports and spending time with his parents or binging shows to the point to where he could barely keep his eyes open with Star beside her.

Memories of time spent in the kitchen with laughing parents and in the yard playing games with his dad alike also crossed his mind, both making him smile ever more slightly as it all came back to him once again.

The stairs were not far, creaking slightly at his steps as he made his way upstairs. His hand grasped the railing as he trekked upwards, the light of the moon once again shining his path through the windows in the hallway.

The door to his room seemed to call to him. Suddenly a pang of tiredness weighed down on him. The thought of sleep and a warm bed took over his mind, and he made his way to his room, turning that same knob he'd turned a million times before.

He entered that same room he'd seen a million times before, lying on that bed he'd slept on a million times before.

Everything felt the same. Outside through his window, the homes of neighbors and friends, the spire of Butterfly Castle, and the lights of the distant city were seen.

And it all felt familiar. The presence of Butterfly Castle didn't even seem to phase him. The brighter night sky seemed no different from the one he'd used to see every night before. As if this was all he'd known for fifteen years.

There was a time when the lack of change in his life seemed to be nothing more than a curse. When boredom was his biggest enemy and structure was all his life was built on. A time when life was only a cycle of sleep, eat, work, repeat.

But now, as everything around him seemed to lull and come to rest, when it seemed the adventures would come to an end and the countless dimensions he'd come to know about would no longer be within his grasp, when it seemed this great spontaneous escapade which had occurred through the past year would come to an end and be replaced by a predictable and unchanging life once more, he did not worry. He did not fear.

A year ago, he would've wished for nothing more than a life of constant travels and grand battles. But now, having actually lived through that dream, something seemed to change within him.

And now, the idea of no longer having to worry about fighting, to worry about solving problems greater than himself, put him at rest.

Now he was free again, with a new perspective on the world and everyone around him. With Star by his side and their whole lives ahead of them, the absence of dimension-hopping seemed little more than a tiny change.

People he'd known had come and gone, but memories held strong. His world and his perspective changed, for better or for worse. His decisions and his mistakes were set in stone, but time moved on.

Everything was changing, and everything was the same.

Everything was familiar, and everything was new.

Some part of him felt that this was only natural. That times change and so does everything else. He felt like the time of his life where thrills and danger defined his life was ending. As if a new chapter was starting.

But he'd felt he had just as much to look forward to as he did before, with a new world to explore and people, new and old alike, to see it with.

He had experiences he could build off of, and mystery and opportunities left unsolved and untaken. And yet he had time to pursue it all, years ahead of him and with no rush at all. He felt like he could do anything or nothing, whatever he wanted to put his mind to. No obligations or requirements to fulfill. Truly free, no longer misguided or distracted.

And so, with peace in mind, for the first time in what seemed forever the familiar feeling of the cool blanket on his body and the softness of the pillow on his head came to him soothingly, bringing him into a peaceful slumber. 


(1076 words)

and with that, nearly a year of writing for a single show comes to an end. it's been fun, even if i havent exactly been the most consistent writer (by any shot). i don't know if i'll write for any other show like i have svtfoe, but this experience will always be something i hold close to my heart. no other show had me invested in its characters and no other show has compelled me to write before.

i know its not much to end on, but i feel this oneshot's theme is fitting, i hope you all enjoyed it, i know i enjoyed writing it!

thank you all for reading what i've had to write and taking the time to write reviews and help make my days! 

i'll still be around don't worry, just not writing for now

best wishes to you all


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2019 ⏰

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